Mar 2022
Date/Time | Talk details |
16/03/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Lorenzo Maggi - Wireless communication channel for dummies (like me)
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
10/03/2022 - 11/03/2022 9:00 am - 6:00 pm |
Altintas - Chiasserini - Dressler - Gonzalez - Haenggi - Heath - Mancuso - Nguyen - Petrov - Shagdar - Wymeersch - LINCS-NEMO WORKSHOP on V2X
LINCS + Zoom, Paris |
02/03/2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Matthew Andrews - Wireless scheduling subject to slice constraints
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
02/03/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
François Durand - SOLID Principles in Object-Oriented Programming
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
Feb 2022
Date/Time | Talk details |
23/02/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Matthieu Gouel - Application of stream graphs theory on internet topology
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
18/02/2022 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm |
Andrian Putina - PhD thesis defense "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection: Methods and applications"
Zoom + Amphi 5 chez Télécom-Paris, Palaiseau |
16/02/2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Francesca Bassi - Securing communications in the C-ITS
LINCS + Zoom, Paris |
09/02/2022 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm |
Quentin Lutz - Graph-based contributions to machine learning
LINCS Seminars room, Paris |
09/02/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Matthieu Gouel - Object-Oriented Programming in Python
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
02/02/2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Don Towsley - The Quantum Internet: Recent Advances and Challenges
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
02/02/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Maxime Mouchet - Infinite Hidden Markov Models
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
Jan 2022
Date/Time | Talk details |
26/01/2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Fabien Mathieu - A stochastic matching between graph theory and linear algebra
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
19/01/2022 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Petr Kuznetsov - Accountable distributed computing
LINCS + Zoom, Paris |
19/01/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
François Durand - Developping in Python
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
12/01/2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Michel Davydov - Poisson approximations of sums of Bernoulli random variables
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
Dec 2021
Date/Time | Talk details |
15/12/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Maxime Mouchet - Testing in Python
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
08/12/2021 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Ke Feng - Meta Distributions and Joint Geometric Modeling of Cellular Networks
LINCS + Zoom, Paris |
08/12/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Guodong Sun - MIMO Performance: From Theory to Practice
Paris-Rennes-Nice Room (EIT Digital), Paris |
01/12/2021 10:45 am - 12:00 pm |
Matthieu Gouel - MPLS in Internet topologies
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
Nov 2021
Date/Time | Talk details |
24/11/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Maxime Mouchet - PyCharm
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
17/11/2021 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Pierre Civit - Dynamic Secure-Emulation
LINCS + Zoom, Paris |
17/11/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Ludovic Noirie - Chaos Engineering
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
10/11/2021 10:45 am - 12:00 pm |
Maxime Mouchet - HLOC: Hints-based geolocation leveraging multiple measurement frameworks
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
09/11/2021 10:00 am - 1:00 pm |
Arnaud Cadas - PhD thesis defense "Stochastic matching models and their applications to demand-supply balancing"
LINCS Seminars room, Paris |
03/11/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Matthieu Gouel - Developing With Style: The Pythonic Way
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
Oct 2021
Date/Time | Talk details |
27/10/2021 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm |
Homa Nikbakht - Joint Channel Coding of Consecutive Messages with Heterogeneous Decoding Deadlines in the Finite Blocklength Regime
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
27/10/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Pierre Popineau - Stability Conditions for a Discrete-Time Decentralised Medium Access Algorithm
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
21/10/2021 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
Laurent Massoulié - "Big Thought Time Talk" by Nokia: “Fast Distributed Optimization with Asynchrony and Time Delays”
LINCS + Teams, Paris |
20/10/2021 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
Pierre Popineau - On Velocity-based Association Policies for Multi-tier 5G Wireless Networks
LINCS + Zoom, Paris |
20/10/2021 10:45 am - 12:00 pm |
Ludovic Noirie - PCAP tools for practical traffic monitoring in LAN
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
13/10/2021 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
Michal Krol - Discv5 - service discovery for the Ethereum P2P network
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
13/10/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Fabien Mathieu - Python 101
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
06/10/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
François Baccelli - Random Line and Hyperplane Processes
Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital), 75013 Paris |
Sep 2021
Date/Time | Talk details |
21/09/2021 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
Flavia Salutari - PhD thesis defense "Longitudinal, large scale and unbiased Internet Measurements"
Zoom + Amphi 4 chez Télécom-Paris, Palaiseau |
15/09/2021 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
Konstantin Avrachenkov - Higher-Order Spectral Clustering for Geometric Graphs
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
Jul 2021
Date/Time | Talk details |
08/07/2021 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm |
Achille Salaün - PhD thesis defense "Alarm prediction in networks via space-time pattern matching and machine learning"
LINCS + Zoom, Paris |
07/07/2021 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
Matthieu Rambaud - "Maliciously secure consensus from succinct arguments, and short transparent threshold signatures"
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
Jun 2021
Date/Time | Talk details |
30/06/2021 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
Diego Perino - Experience in research and deployment of AI-based techniques for “networks”
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
30/06/2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Maxime Mouchet - Algorithms for generating random permutations |
23/06/2021 1:45 pm - 3:00 pm |
Kévin Vermeulen - Reverse Traceroute |
22/06/2021 4:35 pm - 5:20 pm |
Prof. Roch Guerin - Edge Classification: Offloading under Token Bucket Constraints
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
22/06/2021 3:40 pm - 4:25 pm |
Prof. Leandros Tassiulas - Enabling intelligent services via function virtualization at the network edge
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
22/06/2021 2:25 pm - 3:10 pm |
Prof. Holger Karl - Machine Learning for Network Management
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
22/06/2021 1:45 pm - 2:15 pm |
Ludovic Noirie - Internet of Things @ LINCS
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
22/06/2021 10:45 am - 12:15 pm |
Davydov, Roy Choudhury, Vermes, Abu-Aisheh, Khaniha, Salutari, Castellano, Ben Ameur, Senel, Shilov, Laugier - LINCS supervised members elevator pitches + poster session (day 2)
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
22/06/2021 9:15 am - 10:15 am |
Petr Kuznetsov, Fabien Mathieu, Timur Friedman, Maxime Raynal - LINCS members scientific highlights (day 2)
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
21/06/2021 5:05 pm - 5:50 pm |
Prof. Jim Kurose - From artifacts to systems to people: evolving directions in computing research and education
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
21/06/2021 4:10 pm - 4:55 pm |
Prof. P. R. Kumar - Security of Cyberphysical Systems
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
21/06/2021 3:15 pm - 4:00 pm |
Prof. Marco Ajmone-Marsan - Queuing Models of Radio Access Networks Offering Streaming and Elastic Services
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
21/06/2021 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm |
Gouel, Kumar Mishra, Nguyen, Popineau, Quan, Jagyasi, Fernandez, Boschin, Bouba, Civit, Le Corre, Putina - LINCS supervised members elevator pitches + poster session (day 1)
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |
21/06/2021 10:30 am - 11:45 am |
Lutz, Busic, Potop, Durand, Singh - LINCS members scientific highlights (day 1)
Zoom + LINCS, Paris |