LINCS young researchers “elevator pitch” presentation n°2/2022

Speaker : Michel Davydov - Sayeh Khaniha - Pierre Popineau - Maxime Raynal - Bharath Roy Choudhury - Guodong Sun
Date: 04/05/2022
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:15 pm
Location: LINCS + Zoom


Davydov Michel  Inria PhD Dynamiques markoviennes à base de processus ponctuels et leurs applications
Khaniha Sayeh  Inria PhD  
Popineau Pierre  Inria PhD Study of the dynamics of spatial point processes
Raynal Maxime Nokia Bell Labs PhD Alarm prediction in communication networks via space-time pattern matching and explainable machine learning
Roy Choudhury Bharath  Inria PhD  
Sun Guodong Inria PhD Network Theory