Institut Telecom (now part of the Mines-Telecom Institute) is a research and education institution, federating highly-ranked engineering schools specialized in information and communication technologies. Under the patronage of the digital communication minister, it is composed of three engineering schools (Telecom ParisTech, Telecom SudParis and Telecom Bretagne), one management school (Telecom Management SudParis) and two additional schools, associated via a GIE (Telecom Lille 1 and Eurecom). Altogether, Institut Telecom gathers 5500 students and involves 1000 employees.
Two core schools belonging to Institut Telecom are particularly involved at the LINCS: Telecom ParisTech ( Telecom SudParis ( The teams involved have built a strong expertise in wireless sensor networks from the MAC layer to middleware design, in radio communications, in mobile networks, in provisioning and optimisation of virtual networks, in computers networks, in cloud computing as well as in cloud networking. Both schools are strongly involved in the design of the Future Internet, at the national and European level.Telecom ParisTech leads the Euro NF network of excellence and Telecom SudParis is involved in the 4WARD and SAIL FP7 projects. Both schools have strong academic records and participate in different standardization organizations (ETSI, IETF, etc.).