Working Group Tools, Tips and Tricks
Formerly known as: The Python Workshop.
Date/Time | Talk details |
14/02/2025 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Sébastien Tixeuil - Master Python Efficiency with itertools and joblib
Amphi 6, Palaiseau |
20/12/2024 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Leonardo Linguaglossa - Git happens: from first commit sadness, to CI/CD greatness
Amphi 6, Palaiseau |
29/11/2024 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Marc-Olivier Buob - The functools python module
Amphi 6, Palaiseau |
08/11/2024 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Alonso Silva - uv: an extremely fast Python package installer and resolver & marimo notebooks: rethinking the notebook to create reproducible notebooks
Amphi 6, Palaiseau |
11/10/2024 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Rémi Varloot - Visual Studio Code, an all-in-one development environment |
22/05/2024 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Alonso Silva - How to create pure Python web apps (Solara+AnyWidget)
Room 4B01, Palaiseau |
03/04/2024 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Marc-Olivier Buob - C
Room 4B01, Palaiseau |
20/03/2024 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Fabien Mathieu - Double Feature: IPyWidgets + Using LLM
Room 4B01, Palaiseau |
21/02/2024 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Leonardo Linguaglossa - A visual journey to convey complex messages through MAThematical ANIMation - manim
Room 4B01, Palaiseau |
31/01/2024 10:30 am - 11:30 am |
Francesca Bassi - Everyone procrastinates: a Beamer demo
Room 4B01, Palaiseau |
Topic: Tools, tips and tricks for researchers in mathematics and computer science.
Audience: The group “Tools, Tips and Tricks” is intended for researchers in mathematics and computer science, but anyone can attend online.
Practical details: The sessions are held every third Wednesday from 10:30 am to 11:30 pm (Central European Summer Time), in the premises of the Lincs and online. To receive the invitations, register to the mailing list. Videos, slides and notebooks of previous sessions are on the website.
Coordinator: François Durand (
Historically, this working group was dedicated to sharing knowledge about the Python language. Nowadays, while we keep an important focus on Python, we also discuss other tools and practices: other programming languages, operating systems, software, etc. In the future, we could also touch non-computer topics, such as research methodology, efficient bibliography, etc.
In the past sessions, due to the exclusively-Python-oriented aspect of the group, we covered a lot of topics in Python, such as:
- Python basics: introduction to Python (1, 2, 3), Python 101, developping with style, collections, dictionaries, iterators.
- Design patterns: architectural considerations (1, 2), abstract classes, clean code, building a research-oriented system, object-oriented programming, SOLID principles.
- Scientific packages: pandas, seaborn, tikzplotlib, pytorch, vis.js network, huggingface (1, 2), Gym and Stable Baselines, CVXPY, Petting Zoo, Tree-sitter, Scyther.
- Other packages: numba, cherrypy, joblib, scrapy, pathlib, gzip, zipfile, tempfile, requests, beautifulsoup, selenium, pygame, simpy, sockets (1, 2), fastcore, asyncio (1, 2), threads, manim, IPyWidgets, Solara and AnyWidget.
- Development environment: jupyter notebook (1, 2), pycharm, conda, profiling.
- Production tools: packaging (1, 2, 3), documentation, testing (1, 2), git, codecov, cloud solutions, pyinstaller, containers.
But we also covered other topics, such as:
- LaTeX: Tikz, Beamer.
- Unix / Linux: APT, GNU Parallel.
- JavaScript: introduction to JavaScript (1, 2), D3.js.
- C.
- Sagemath.
- Obsidian and Zotero.
As a speaker:
- Do not hesitate to start from an online tutorial or documentation and to prepare a digest of it.
- You can prepare a lecture, a practical work session, or a mix of the two.
- Please try to provide code files if relevant.