uv: an extremely fast Python package installer and resolver & marimo notebooks: rethinking the notebook to create reproducible notebooks

Speaker : Alonso Silva
Nokia Bell Labs
Date: 08/11/2024
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Amphi 6


In this session, we will talk about uv, an extremely fast Python package and project manager designed as a single tool to replace pip, pip-tools, pipx, poetry, pyenv, virtualenv, and more. We will also discuss marimo, an open-source reactive notebook for Python that is reproducible, git-friendly, executable as a script, and shareable as an app.

Presentation : https://alonsosilvaallende.github.io/2024-11-08_uv_marimo_at_LINCS

Code to make the presentation work in : alonsosilvaallende/2024-11-08_uv_marimo_at_LINCS: Presentation uv+marimo at LINCS