Vers des mesures haute fréquence d'internet plus éthiques,
Matthieu Gouel ■, Kévin Vermeulen, Hugo Rimlinger, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
8èmes Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de protocoles, l'évaluation de performances et l'expérimentation de Réseaux de communication 2023, Cargese, France
Federating EdgeNet with Fed4FIRE+ and Deploying its Nodes Behind NATs,
Berat Can Senel, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Cappos, Timur Friedman ■, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Rick Mcgeer,
IFIP Networking 2022, Catania, Italy
EdgeNet, a Production Internet-Scale Container-Based Distributed System Testbed,
Berat Can Şenel, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Cappos, Timur Friedman ■, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Rick Mcgeer,
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Demo session 2022, Bologna, Italy
Zeph & Iris cartographient l'internet,
Matthieu Gouel ■, Kévin Vermeulen, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Rohrer, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
CORES 2022 – 7ème Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Évaluation de Performance et l’Expérimentation des Réseaux de Communication 2022, Saint-Rémy-Lès-Chevreuse, France
Demo: EdgeNet, a Production Internet-Scale Container-Based Distributed System Testbed,
Berat Can Senel, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Cappos, Timur Friedman ■, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Rick Mcgeer,
ICDCS 2022
Shared internet-scale measurement platforms,
Berat Can Şenel, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Cappos, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■, Rick Mcgeer,
NSF Workshop on Overcoming Measurement Barriers to Internet Research (WOMBIR 2021), extended abstract 2021, Online, United States
IP Geolocation Database Stability and Implications for Network Research,
Matthieu Gouel ■, Kévin Vermeulen, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■, Robert Beverly,
Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis Conference 2021, Online, United States
EdgeNet: the Global Kubernetes Cluster Testbed,
Berat Can Senel, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Cappos, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■, Rick Mcgeer,
INFOCOM Workshops 2021, Vancouver, Canada
EdgeNet: A Multi-Tenant and Multi-Provider Edge Cloud,
Berat Can Senel, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Cappos, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■, Rick Mcgeer,
EdgeSys@EuroSys 2021, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
IP Geolocation Database Stability and Implications for Network Research: A Reproducibility Study,
Matthieu Gouel ■, Kévin Vermeulen, Robert Beverly, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
TMA 2021
Alias Resolution Based on ICMP Rate Limiting,
Kévin Vermeulen ■, Burim Ljuma ■, Vamsi Addanki V L S S, Matthieu Gouel ■, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■, Reza Rejaie,
PAM 2020, Eugene, United States
Diamond-Miner: Comprehensive Discovery of the Internet's Topology Diamonds,
Kévin Vermeulen ■, Justin P Rohrer, Robert Beverly, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) 2020 2020, Santa Clara, CA, United States
Diamond-Miner: Comprehensive Discovery of the Internet's Topology Diamonds,
Kévin Vermeulen ■, Justin Rohrer, Robert Beverly, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
NSDI 2020
Internet measurements on EdgeNet,
Kévin Vermeulen ■, Burim Ljuma ■, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■, Rick Mcgeer,
INFOCOM Workshops 2019, Paris, France
The EdgeNet System,
Timur Friedman ■, Rick Mcgeer, Berat Can Senel, Matt Hemmings, Glenn Ricart,
ICNP 2019
Adding Multipath Route Tracing to RIPE Atlas (Extended Abstract),
Kévin Vermeulen ■, Timur Friedman ■, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Robert Kisteleki, Philip Homburg, Emile Aben, Stephen D Strowes,
AIMS 2018: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements 2018, La Jolla, United States
Multilevel MDA-Lite Paris Traceroute,
Kévin Vermeulen ■, Stephen Strowes, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
Internet Measurement Conference 2018, Boston, United States
An Internet measurement platform for the e-learning community,
Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
AIMS 2017: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements 2017, La Jolla, CA, United States
OneLab: On-demand deployment of IoT over IPv6,
Loïc Baron, Radomir Klacza, Yasin Rahman ■, Ciro Scognamiglio ■, Timur Friedman ■, Serge Fdida ■, Frederic Saint-Marcel,
IEEE Infocom 2016 - International Conference on Computer Communications 2016, San Francisco, United States
Demo: OneLab: Major Computer Networking Testbeds for IoT and Wireless Experimentation,
Loic Baron, Fadwa Boubekeur, Radomir Klacza ■, Yasin Rahman ■, Ciro Scognamiglio ■, Nina Kurose, Timur Friedman ■, Serge Fdida ■,
MobiCom 2015, Paris, France
Characterizing IPv4 anycast adoption and deployment,
Danilo Cicalese ■, Jordan Augé ■, Diana Zeaiter-Joumblatt ■, Timur Friedman ■, Dario Rossi ■,
CoNEXT 2015, Heidelberg, Germany
Anycast census and geolocation,
Danilo Cicalese ■, Jordan Augé ■, Diana Zeaiter-Joumblatt ■, Dario Rossi ■, Timur Friedman ■,
7th Workshop on Active Internet Measurements (AIMS 2015 2015, San Diego, United States
A fistful of pings: Accurate and lightweight anycast enumeration and geolocation,
Danilo Cicalese ■, Diana Zeaiter-Joumblatt ■, Dario Rossi ■, Marc-Olivier Buob ■, Jordan Augé ■, Timur Friedman ■,
INFOCOM 2015, Hong Kong, China
Errors announcing 32-bit ASNs in BGP routes,
Riad Mazloum ■, Jordan Augé ■, Dario Rossi ■, Timur Friedman ■,
DRCN 2015, Kansas City, United States
OneLab: Major computer networking testbeds open to the IEEE INFOCOM community,
Loic Baron, Ciro Scognamiglio ■, Yasin Rahman ■, Radomir Klacza ■, Danilo Cicalese ■, Nina Kurose, Timur Friedman ■, Serge Fdida ■,
INFOCOM Workshops 2015
Lightweight anycast enumeration and geolocation,
Danilo Cicalese ■, Jordan Augé ■, Diana Zeaiter-Joumblatt ■, Dario Rossi ■, Marc-Olivier Buob ■, Timur Friedman ■,
INFOCOM Workshops 2015
Distributed Active Measurement of Internet Queuing Delays,
Pellegrino Casoria, Dario Rossi ■, Jordan Augé ■, Marc-Olivier Buob ■, Timur Friedman ■, Antonio Pescape,
PAM 2014, Los Angeles, United States
Violation of Interdomain Routing Assumptions,
Riad Mazloum ■, Marc-Olivier Buob ■, Jordan Augé ■, Bruno Baynat, Dario Rossi ■, Timur Friedman ■,
PAM 2014, Los Angeles, United States
On multi-exit routings and AS relationships,
Riad Mazloum ■, Marc-Olivier Buob ■, Jordan Augé ■, Bruno Baynat, Timur Friedman ■, Dario Rossi ■,
ISMA 2013 - 5th AIMS Workshop 2013, San Diego, United States
Passive bufferbloat measurement exploiting transport layer information,
Chiara Chirichella, Dario Rossi ■, Claudio Testa ■, Timur Friedman ■, Antonio Pescape,
GLOBECOM 2013, Atlanta, United States
Remotely Gauging Upstream Bufferbloat Delays,
Chiara Chirichella, Dario Rossi ■, Claudio Testa ■, Timur Friedman ■, Antonio Pescape,
PAM 2013, Hong Kong, China
Efficient IP-Level Network Topology Capture,
Thomas Bourgeau ■, Timur Friedman ■,
PAM 2013, Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Toward fast and efficient IP-level network topology capture,
Thomas Bourgeau ■, Timur Friedman ■,
StudentWorkshop@CoNEXT 2012, Nice, France
Inferring the buffering delay of remote BitTorrent peers under LEDBAT vs TCP,
Chiara Chirichella ■, Dario Rossi ■, Claudio Testa ■, Timur Friedman ■, Antonio Pescape,
P2P 2012, Tarragona, Spain
FIRE OpenLab IP Testbed and Tool Demo,
Timur Friedman ■, Anastasius Gavras,
ServiceWave 2011, Poznan, Poland
OneLab: Developing Future Internet Testbeds,
Serge Fdida, Timur Friedman, Sophia Mackeith,
ServiceWave 2010, Ghent, Belgium
Federation of virtualized infrastructures: sharing the value of diversity,
Panayotis Antoniadis, Serge Fdida, Timur Friedman, Vishal Misra,
CoNEXT 2010, Philadelphia, United States
TopHat: Supporting Experiments through Measurement Infrastructure Federation,
Thomas Bourgeau, Jordan Augé, Timur Friedman,
TRIDENTCOM 2010, Berlin, Germany
Failure Control in Multipath Route Tracing,
Darryl Veitch, Brice Augustin, Renata Teixeira, Timur Friedman,
INFOCOM 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Origine des étoiles dans traceroute,
Farah Layouni, Brice Augustin, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira,
Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles (CFIP 2008) 2008, Les Arcs, France
Increasing the Coverage of a Cooperative Internet Topology Discovery Algorithm,
Benoit Donnet, Bradley Huffaker, Timur Friedman, Kimberly Claffy,
Networking 2007, Atlanta, GA, United States
Investigating Depth-Fanout Trade-offs in WiMAX Mesh Networks,
Salim Nahle, Luigi Iannone, Benoit Donnet, Timur Friedman,
1st Weird Workshop on WiMAX Wireless and Mobility 2007, Coimbra, Portugal
Resource Provision and Allocation in Shared Network Testbed Infrastructures,
Panayotis Antoniadis, Timur Friedman, Xavier Cuvellier,
Real Overlays and Distributed Systems (ROADS) 2007, Warsaw, Poland
Characterizing pairwise inter-contact patterns in delay tolerant networks,
Vania Conan, Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman,
Autonomics 2007, Rome, Italy
Measuring load-balanced paths in the internet,
Brice Augustin, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira,
Internet Measurement Conference 2007, San Diego, CA, United States
Multipath tracing with Paris traceroute,
Brice Augustin, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira,
E2EMON 2007, Munich, Germany
Millipede: a rollerblade positioning system,
Farid Benbadis, Jeremie Leguay, Vincent Borrel, Marcelo Dias De Amorim, Timur Friedman,
WINTECH 2006, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Evaluation of a Large-Scale Topology Discovery Algorithm,
Benoit Donnet, Bradley Huffaker, Timur Friedman, Kimberly Claffy,
IPOM 2006, Dublin, Ireland
Evaluating Mobility Pattern Space Routing for DTNs,
Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan,
INFOCOM 2006, Barcelona, Spain
QoS Routing in OLSR with Several Classes of Service,
Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman,
PerCom Workshops 2006, Pise, Italy
Osmosis in Pocket Switched Networks,
Pan Hui, Jérémie Leguay, Jon Crowcroft, James Scott, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan,
Proc. First International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM) 2006, Beijing, China
Opportunistic content distribution in an urban setting,
Jeremie Leguay, Anders Lindgren, James Scott, Timur Friedman, Jon Crowcroft,
CHANTS@SIGCOMM 2006, Pise, Italy
Retouched bloom filters: allowing networked applications to trade off selected false positives against false negatives,
Benoit Donnet, Bruno Baynat, Timur Friedman,
CoNEXT 2006, Lisboa, Portugal
Avoiding traceroute anomalies with Paris traceroute,
Brice Augustin, Xavier Cuvellier, Benjamin Orgogozo, Fabien Viger, Timur Friedman, Matthieu Latapy, Clemence Magnien, Renata Teixeira,
Internet Measurement Conference 2006, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Approche Récursive d'Etiquetage des Chemins Alternatifs au Niveau IP,
Benoit Donnet, Bradley Huffaker, Timur Friedman, Kimberly C. Claffy,
CFIP 2006 - 12ème Colloque Francophone sur l'Ingénierie des Protocoles 2006, Tozeur, Tunisia
Exhaustive path tracing with Paris traceroute,
Brice Augustin, Timur Friedman, Renata Teixeira,
CoNEXT 2006
Efficient algorithms for large-scale topology discovery,
Benoit Donnet, Philippe Raoult, Timur Friedman, Mark Crovella,
SIGMETRICS 2005, Banff, Alberta, Canada
DTN routing in a mobility pattern space,
Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan,
WDTN@SIGCOMM 2005, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Connectivity Aware Routing In Ad-hoc Networks,
Jérémie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Serge Fdida, Vania Conan, André Cotton,
PWC 2005 - 10th IFIP International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications 2005, Colmar, France
A CIDR Prefix Stopping Rule for Topology Discovery,
Benoit Donnet, Timur Friedman,
Algotel 2005 - 7èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications 2005, Presqu'île de Giens, France
Low Feedback MINC Loss Tomography,
Vijay Arya, Thierry Turletti, Timur Friedman, Rémy Bellino, Nick Duffield,
IEEE Infocom Student Workshop 2005, Miami, FL, United States
Improved Algorithms for Network Topology Discovery,
Benoit Donnet, Timur Friedman, Mark Crovella,
PAM 2005, Boston, MA, United States
GPS-Free-Free Positioning System for Wireless Sensor Networks,
Farid Benbadis, Timur Friedman, Marcelo Dias De Amorim, Serge Fdida,
WOCN 2005 - 2nd IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks 2005, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Topology Discovery Using an Address Prefix Based Stopping Rule,
Benoit Donnet, Timur Friedman,
EUNICE 2005, Madrid, Spain
Scalable End-to-End Multicast Tree Fault Isolation,
Timur Friedman, Donald Towsley, James Kurose,
ICT 2004, Fortaleza, Brazil
Impromptu Measurement Infrastructures using RTP,
Ramón Caceres, Nick Duffield, Timur Friedman,
Multicast Session Membership Size Estimation,
Timur Friedman, Donald Towsley,
Detecting Change in Legal Concepts,
Edwina Rissland, Timur Friedman,
ICAIL 1995
Heuristic Harvesting of Information for Case-Based Argument,
Edwina Rissland, David Skalak, Timur Friedman,
AAAI 1994
BankXX: A Program to Generate Argument Through Case-Base Research,
Edwina Rissland, David Skalak, Timur Friedman,
ICAIL 1993
Case Retrieval through Multiple Indexing and Heuristic Search,
Edwina Rissland, David Skalak, Timur Friedman,
IJCAI 1993
Zeph & Iris map the internet: A resilient reinforcement learning approach to distributed IP route tracing,
Matthieu Gouel ■, Kévin Vermeulen, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Rohrer, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
Computer Communication Review 2022
Zeph & Iris map the internet: A resilient reinforcement learning approach to distributed IP route tracing,
Matthieu Gouel ■, Kévin Vermeulen, Maxime Mouchet ■, Justin Rohrer, Olivier Fourmaux ■, Timur Friedman ■,
Comput. Commun. Rev. 2022
Using Networks to Teach About Networks,
Timur Friedman ■, Aiko Pras, Jürgen Schönwälder,
Dagstuhl Reports 2017
Using Networks to Teach About Networks (Report on Dagstuhl Seminar #17112),
Jurgen Schonwalder, Timur Friedman ■, Aiko Pras,
Comput. Commun. Rev. 2017
Latency-Based Anycast Geolocalization: Algorithms, Software and Datasets ,
Danilo Cicalese ■, Diana Zeaiter-Joumblatt, Dario Rossi ■, Jordan Augé ■, Marc-Olivier Buob ■, Timur Friedman ■,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2016
Latency-Based Anycast Geolocation: Algorithms, Software, and Data Sets,
Danilo Cicalese ■, Diana Zeaiter-Joumblatt, Dario Rossi ■, Marc-Olivier Buob ■, Jordan Augé ■, Timur Friedman ■,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2016
OneLab Tutorial: A Single Portal to Heterogeneous Testbeds,
Loic Baron, Radomir Klacza ■, Yasin Rahman ■, Ciro Scognamiglio ■, Nina Kurose, Timur Friedman ■, Serge Fdida ■,
EAI Endorsed Trans. Ubiquitous Environ. 2015, Vancouver, Canada
Tools to foster a global federation of testbeds,
Jordan Augé ■, Thierry Parmentelat, Nicolas Turro, Sandrine Avakian, Loic Baron, Mohamed Amine Larabi, Yasin Rahman ■, Timur Friedman ■, Serge Fdida ■,
Computer Networks 2014
Measuring multipath routing in the internet,
Brice Augustin, Timur Friedman ■, Renata Teixeira ■,
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2011
The 2nd workshop on active internet measurements (AIMS-2) report,
Kc Claffy, Emile Aben, Jordan Augé, Robert Beverly, Fabian Bustamante, Benoit Donnet, Timur Friedman, Marina Fomenkov, Peter Haga, Matthew Luckie, Yuval Shavitt,
Computer Communication Review 2010
Improving retouched Bloom filter for trading off selected false positives against false negatives,
Benoit Donnet, Bruno Baynat, Timur Friedman,
Computer Networks 2010
Fixed point opportunistic routing in delay tolerant networks,
Vania Conan, Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2008
Describing and simulating internet routes,
Jeremie Leguay, Matthieu Latapy, Timur Friedman, Kave Salamatian,
Comput. Networks 2007, Waterloo, Canada
Internet topology discovery: A survey,
Benoit Donnet, Timur Friedman,
Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communications Society 2007
Evaluating MobySpace-based routing strategies in delay-tolerant networks,
Jeremie Leguay, Timur Friedman, Vania Conan,
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2007
Deployment of an Algorithm for Large-Scale Topology Discovery,
Benoit Donnet, Philippe Raoult, Timur Friedman, Mark Crovella,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2006
Community-oriented network measurement infrastructure (CONMI) workshop report,
Kimberly Claffy, Mark Crovella, Timur Friedman, Colleen Shannon, Neil Spring,
Computer Communication Review 2006
Network tomography from aggregate loss reports,
Nick Duffield, Vijay Arya, Bellino, Timur Friedman, Joseph Horowitz, Donald Towsley, Thierry Turletti,
Perform. Evaluation 2005, Juan-les-Pins, France
Multicast-based loss inference with missing data,
Nick Duffield, Joseph Horowitz, Don Towsley, Wei Wei, Timur Friedman,
IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun. 2002
The use of end-to-end multicast measurements for characterizing internal network behavior,
Andrew Adams, Tian Bu, Timur Friedman, Joseph Horowitz, Don Towsley, Ramón Caceres, Nick Duffield, Francesco Lo Presti, Sue Moon, Vern Paxson,
IEEE Commun. Mag. 2000
Evaluating a Legal Argument Program: The BankXX Experiments,
Edwina Rissland, David Skalak, Timur Friedman,
Artif. Intell. Law 1997
BankXX: Supporting Legal Arguments through Heuristic Retrieval,
Edwina Rissland, David Skalak, Timur Friedman,
Artif. Intell. Law 1996