Ludovic Noirie
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Origine des familles NOIRIE/NOIRY, Ludovic Noirie ■, 2014 |
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PCANT: Programmable Capture and Analysis of Network Traffic, Remi Varloot ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, ICIN 2023, Paris, France |
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ChaT: Evaluation of Reconfigurable Distributed Network Systems Using Metamorphic Testing, Alif Akbar Pranata, Olivier Barais, Johann Bourcier, Ludovic Noirie ■, GLOBECOM 2021, Madrid, Spain |
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Misconfiguration Discovery with Principal Component Analysis for Cloud-Native Services, Alif Akbar Pranata, Olivier Barais, Johann Bourcier, Ludovic Noirie ■, UCC 2020, Leicester / Virtual, United Kingdom |
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Autonomous Identification of IoT Device Types based on a Supervised Classification, Nesrine Ammar ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, Sébastien Tixeuil ■, ICC 2020, Virtual conference, Ireland |
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Network-Protocol-Based IoT Device Identification, Nesrine Ammar ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, Sébastien Tixeuil ■, FMEC 2019, Rome, Italy |
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Autonomous IoT Device Identification Prototype, Nesrine Ammar ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, Sébastien Tixeuil ■, TMA 2019, Paris, France |
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IoT composer: composition and deployment of IoT applications, Ajay Krishna, Michel Le Pallec, Radu Mateescu, Ludovic Noirie ■, Gwen Salaun, ICSE 2019, Montreal, Canada |
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Rigorous design and deployment of IoT applications, Ajay Krishna, Michel Le Pallec, Radu Mateescu, Ludovic Noirie ■, Gwen Salaun, FormaliSE@ICSE 2019, Montreal, Canada |
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Amélioration de l’identification du type des objets connectés par classification supervisée, Nesrine Ammar ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, Sébastien Tixeuil ■, CORES2019 - Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Évaluation de Performance et l’Expérimentation des Réseaux de Communication 2019, Jardins de Saint Benoît, France |
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Digital assistance for the automated discovery and deployment of IoT services, Michel Le Pallec, Ludovic Noirie ■, Pierre Peloso, Dinh Thai Bui, Nicolas Le Sauze, ICIN 2018, Paris, France |
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Identification du type des objets connectés par les informations des protocoles réseaux, Nesrine Ammar ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, Sébastien Tixeuil ■, Rencontres Francophones sur la Conception de Protocoles, l’Évaluation de Performance et l’Expérimentation des Réseaux de Communication 2018, Roscoff, France |
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Algorithme de Caractérisation des Services IoT: Évaluation des Performances, Nesrine Ammar ■, Michel Le Pallec, Ludovic Noirie ■, ALGOTEL 2017 - 19èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications 2017, Quiberon, France |
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Towards automated IoT service recommendation, Ludovic Noirie ■, Michel Le Pallec, Nesrine Ammar ■, ICIN 2017, Paris, France |
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Physical-Interface-Based IoT Service Characterization, Michel Le Pallec, Mohamed Omar Mazouz, Ludovic Noirie ■, IOT 2016, Stuttgartt, Germany |
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Can a Condorcet Rule Have a Low Coalitional Manipulability?, François Durand, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, ECAI 2016, Den Haag, Netherlands |
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SVVAMP: Simulator of Various Voting Algorithms in Manipulating Populations, François Durand, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, AAAI 2016, Phoenix, United States |
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Geometry on the Utility Space, François Durand ■, Benoit Kloeckner, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, ADT 2015, Lexington, United States |
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Software-Defined LANs for Interconnected Smart Environment, Mathieu Boussard, Dinh Thai Bui, Laurent Ciavaglia, Richard Douville, Michel Le Pallec, Nicolas Le Sauze, Ludovic Noirie ■, Serge Papillon, Pierre Peloso, Francesco Santoro, ITC 2015, Ghent, Belgium |
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Efficient semantic-based IoT service discovery mechanism for dynamic environments, Sameh Ben-Fredj ■, Mathieu Boussard, Daniel Kofman ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, PIMRC 2014, washington, United States |
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The Majord'Home: a SDN Approach to Let ISPs Manage and Extend Their Customers' Home Networks, Mathieu Boussard, Dinh Thai Bui, Richard Douville, Nicolas Le Sauze, Ludovic Noirie ■, Pierre Peloso, Remi Varloot ■, Martin Vigoureux, 1st International Workshop on Management of SDN and NFV Systems (ManSDN/NFV 2014, collocated with the 10th International Conference on Network and Service Management CNSM 2014) 2014, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
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Élection du Best Paper AlgoTel 2012 : étude de la manipulabilité, François Durand ■, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, ALGOTEL 2014 -- 16èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications 2014, Le Bois-Plage-en-Ré, France |
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Élection d'un chemin dans un réseau : étude de la manipulabilité, François Durand ■, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, ALGOTEL 2014 -- 16èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications 2014, Le Bois-Plage-en-Ré, France |
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The Majord'Home: a SDN approach to let isps manage and extend their customers'home networks, Mathieu Boussard, Dinh Thai Bui, Richard Douville, Nicolas Le Sauze, Ludovic Noirie ■, Pierre Peloso, Remi Varloot ■, Martin Vigoureux, CNSM 2014 |
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A Scalable IoT Service Search Based on Clustering and Aggregation, Sameh Ben-Fredj ■, Mathieu Boussard, Daniel Kofman ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, GreenCom/iThings/CPScom 2013, Beijing, China |
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Adaptive failure detection timers for IGP networks, Bruno Vidalenc, Ludovic Noirie ■, Samir Ghamri Doudane ■, Eric Renault, Networking 2013, Brooklyn, NY, United States |
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On the manipulability of voting systems: application to multi-operator networks, François Durand ■, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, CNSM 2013, Zurich, Switzerland |
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Dynamic risk-aware routing for OSPF networks, Bruno Vidalenc, Laurent Ciavaglia, Ludovic Noirie ■, Eric Renault, IM 2013, Ghent, Belgium |
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Contenu généré par les utilisateurs : une étude sur DailyMotion, Yannick Carlinet, The Dang Huynh ■, Bruno Kauffmann, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, Sébastien Tixeuil ■, 15èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel) 2013, Pornic, France |
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Knowledge-Based Admission Control: A Real-Time Performance Analysis, Doreid Ammar, Julien Brochet, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, Ludovic Noirie ■, 37th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2012) 2012, Clearwater (Florida), United States |
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KBAC: Knowledge-Based Admission Control, Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guerin Lassous, Ludovic Noirie ■, LCN 2012, Clearwater, United States |
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Four months in daily motion: Dissecting user video requests, Yannick Carlinet, The Dang Huynh ■, Bruno Kauffmann, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, Sébastien Tixeuil ■, IWCMC 2012, Limassol, Cyprus |
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Contrôle d'Admission Basé sur un Plan de Connaissance, Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, Ludovic Noirie ■, 14èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel) 2012, La Grande Motte, France |
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GMPLS adaptive level of recovery, Bruno Vidalenc, Ludovic Noirie ■, Laurent Ciavaglia, ICC 2012, Ottawa, Canada |
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Evaluation and comparison of MBAC solutions, Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guerin Lassous, Ludovic Noirie ■, LCN 2011, Bonn, Germany |
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Contrôles d'admission basés sur des mesures : Evaluation et comparaison de solutions existantes, Doreid Ammar, Thomas Begin, Isabelle Guérin-Lassous, Ludovic Noirie ■, CFIP 2011 - Colloque Francophone sur l Ingénierie des Protocoles 2011, Sainte Maxime, France |
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Content-Oriented Networking for a Greener Internet, Ludovic Noirie, 2010 NEM Summit 2010, Barcelona, Spain |
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Analysis of the Effects of XLFrames in a Network, Dinil Mon Divakaran, Eitan Altman, Georg Post, Ludovic Noirie, Pascale Vicat Blanc Primet, Networking 2009, Aachen, Germany |
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From Packets to XLFrames: Sand and Rocks for Transfer of Mice and Elephants, Dinil Mon Divakaran, Eitan Altman, Georg Post, Ludovic Noirie, Pascale Primet Vicat-Blanc, IEEE INFOCOM 2009, workshop on High-Speed Networking (HSN'09) 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
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Semantic Networking for Future Internet, Ludovic Noirie, International Conference onBroadband Communications, Networks, and Systems, 2009 (BROADNETS'09) 2009, Madrid, Spain |
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Self-* Features for Semantic Networking, Ludovic Noirie, Emmanuel Dotaro, Giovanna Carofiglio, Arnaud Dupas, Pascal Pecci, Daniel Popa, Georg Post, International Workshop on Traffic Management and Traffic Engineering for the Future Internet (FITraMEn'08) 2008, Porto, Portugal |
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Is CoV(t)-based Modeling Sufficient for Traffic Characterization in Network Links ?, Ludovic Noirie, Georg Post, 2nd International Conference on Network Control and Optimization - Workshop on New trends in Modelling, Quantitative Methods and Measurements 2008, Paris, France |
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Networks for high-bandwith services combining photonic circuit cross-connects with packet switches, Georg Post, Jean Michel Houssin, Ludovic Noirie, Pierre Peloso, BROADNETS 2008, London, United Kingdom |
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CoV(t)-based Traffic and Queuing Modeling, Ludovic Noirie, Georg Post, Next Generation Internet Networks, 2008 (NGI'08) 2008, Krakow, Poland |
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Mixed TDM and packet technologies as a best compromise solution to ensure a cost-effective bandwidth use with the current traffic evolution, Ludovic Noirie, Next Generation Internet Networks, 2005 (NGI'05) 2005, Rome, Italy |
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Rack-mounted demonstrator of re-configurable optical metro access ring, Arnaud Dupas, Roger Boislaigue, Laurent Gilbert, Eric Dutisseuil, François Dorgeuille, Thierry Zami, Ludovic Noirie, 30th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2004 (ECOC'04) 2004, Stockholm, Sweden |
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Prototype software-based Q-factor and eye-diagram monitor for transparent WDM networks, Eric Dutisseuil, Ludovic Noirie, Olivier Audouin, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, 2004 (OECC'04) 2004, Yokohama, Japan |
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Optical metro-access ring featuring a flexible color management, Thierry Zami, François Dorgeuille, Ludovic Noirie, Nicolas Le Sauze, Amaury Jourdan, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2004 (OFC'04) 2004, Los Angeles (CA), United States |
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Transparent interconnection of metro access and metro core networks including protection, François Dorgeuille, Ludovic Noirie, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, 2003 (OECC'03) 2003, Shanghai, China |
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The road towards all-optical networks, Ludovic Noirie, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 2003 (OFC'03) 2003, Atlanta (GA), United States |
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Applying optical transparency to a heterogeneous pan-European network, Pierre Peloso, Magali Prunaire, Ludovic Noirie, Denis Penninckx, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 2003 (OFC'03) 2003, Atlanta (GA), United States |
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40 km passive optical metro-access ring (POMAR) including a protection scheme based on bi-directional fibers, François Dorgeuille, Ludovic Noirie, Arnaud Bisson, Optical Fiber Communications Conference, 2003 (OFC'03) 2003, Atlanta (GA), United States |
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New Transparent Optical Monitoring of the Eye and Ber Using Asynchronous Under-Sampling of the Signal, Ludovic Noirie, Frédéric Cérou, George V. Moustakides, Olivier Audouin, Pierre Peloso, 28th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2002 (ECOC'02) 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark |
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Experimental validation of a transparent waveband-based optical backbone network, Denis Penninckx, Gabriel Charlet, Jean-Christophe Antona, Ludovic Noirie, 28th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2002 (ECOC'02) 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark |
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Eye diagram reconstruction using asynchronous imperfect sampling, application to ber estimation for fiber-optic communication systems, George Moustakides, Frederic Cerou, Olivier Audouin, Ludovic Noirie, EUSIPCO 2002, Toulouse, France |
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Photonic switching research in France : Waveband switching and all-optical packet switching, Ludovic Noirie, Workshop post-conference PS'02&COIN'02 at Tokyo University 2002, Tokyo, Japan |
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Transparent Multi-Granularity Optical Networks, Ludovic Noirie, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, 2002 (OECC'02) - Workshop Optical Networking 2002, Yokohama, Japan |
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Waveband Switching in Multi-Granularity Optical Networks, Ludovic Noirie, OptoElectronics and Communications Conference, 2002 (OECC'02) 2002, Yokohama, Japan |
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32x10 Gbit/s DWDM metropolitan network demonstration with 10 waveband-ADMs and 155 km TeraLight™ Metro fiber, Ludovic Noirie, François Dorgeuille, Arnaud Bisson, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 2002 (OFC 2002) 2002, Anaheim (CA), United States |
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Optical Cross-Connects and Optical Packet Switches : concepts and technologies, Ludovic Noirie, Jean-Paul Faure, Dominique Chiaroni, Nicolas Le Sauze, Amaury Jourdan, ONDM 2001 - Workshop IST Optimist on Switching and Routing in Advanced Photonic Networks 2001, Vienna, Austria |
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A scalable transparent waveband-based optical metropolitan network, Jean-Paul Faure, Ludovic Noirie, Arnaud Bisson, Vincent Sabouret, G. Leveau, Martin Vigoureux, Emmanuel Dotaro, 27th European Conference on Optical Communication, 2001 (ECOC'01) 2001, Amsterdam, Netherlands |
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Performance assessment of a liquid crystal multichannel photonic space-switch, Bruno Fracasso, Ludovic Noirie, Jean-Louis De Bougrenet De La Tocnaye, M. Razzak, E. Daniel, Photonics in Switching 2001 2001, Monterey (CA), United States |
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A 8x8 all optical space-switch based on a novel 8x1 MOEMS switching module, Ludovic Noirie, Jean-Paul Faure, Eric Ollier, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 2001 ( OFC 2001) 2001, Anaheim (CA), United States |
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Impact of intermediate traffic grouping on the dimensioning of multi-granularity optical networks, Ludovic Noirie, Martin Vigoureux, Emmanuel Dotaro, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 2001 ( OFC 2001) 2001, Anaheim (CA), United States |
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Benefit of RZ format in optical switching systems based on SOA technology, Ludovic Noirie, Thierry Zami, Jorge Da Loura, Amaury Jourdan, ECOC '00 conference & exhibition : 26th European Conference on Optical Communication 2000, Munich, Germany |
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Multi-Granularity Optical Cross-Connect, Ludovic Noirie, Caroline Blaizot, Emmanuel Dotaro, ECOC '00 conference & exhibition : 26th European Conference on Optical Communication 2000, Munich, Germany |
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1.28 Tbit/s throughput 8×8 optical switch based on arrays of gain-clamped semiconductor optical amplifier gates, François Dorgeuille, Ludovic Noirie, Jean-Paul Faure, Anton Ambrosy, Stéphane Rabaron, François Boubal, Michael Schilling, Claude Artigue, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2000 2000, Baltimore (MA), United States |
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Design of a Pan-European lightwave core and access networking trial (ACTS-PELICAN project), Olivia Rofidal, Luc Berthelon, Olivier Audouin, Arnaud Bisson, Ludovic Noirie, Christophe Drion, N. Collin, Philippe Bonno, J. Chauvin, F. Rayemaekers, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2000 2000, Baltimore (MA), United States |
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Demonstration of TMN management of a WDM network testbed, Olivier Audouin, Luc Berthelon, Olivia Rofidal, Philippe Bonno, Philippe Coujoulou, Christophe Drion, Jean-Claude Jacquinot, Ludovic Noirie, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2000 2000, Baltimore (MA), United States |
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Analysis of evolution of over-modulated supervisory data in a cascade of all-optical wavelength converters, Arnaud Bisson, Ludovic Noirie, Amaury Jourdan, Jean-Claude Jacquinot, Christopher Janz, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 2000 2000, Baltimore (MA), United States |
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Multi-Granularity Optical Networks, Blaizot, Emmanuel Dotaro, Ludovic Noirie, Amaury Jourdan, ONDM 2000, Athens, Greece |
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Loss-free 1x4 opto-hybrid space switch based on an array of 4 Gain-Clamped SOA gates, François Dorgeuille, Anton Ambrosy, Wolfgang Grieshaber, Frédéric Pommereau, François Boubal, Stéphane Rabaron, Fabienne Gaborit, Isabelle Guillemot, Christophe Porcheron, Jean Le Bris, Oliver Blume, Joachim Lauckner, G. Luz, K. Matthies, K. Ruess, Michael Schilling, S. Schneider, Ludovic Noirie, Denis Tregoat, Claude Artigue, ECOC '99 conference & exhibition : 25th European Conference on Optical Communication 1999, Nice, France |
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Subcarrier overmodulation with EDFA cascade transient effects, Ludovic Noirie, Arnaud Bisson, ECOC '99 conference & exhibition : 25th European Conference on Optical Communication : September, 26-30 1999 1999, Nice, France |
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Crosstalk-induced degradation in an optical-noise-limited detection system, Thierry Zami, Ludovic Noirie, Frank Bruyère, Amaury Jourdan, Optical Fiber Communication Conference, 1999 1999, San Diego (CA), United States |
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Gain stabilization of EDFA cascade using clamped-gain SOA, Frank Bruyère, Arnaud Bisson, Ludovic Noirie, Jean-Yves Emery, Amaury Jourdan, Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exhibit, 1998 1998, San Jose (CA), United States |
Journal articles
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Reducing Manipulability, François Durand ■, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, Fifth International Workshop on Computational Social Choice (ComSoC - 14) 2014, Pittsburgh, United States |
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A System And A Method For Detecting Cheating Applications, Ludovic Noirie ■, Mohamad Jaber, Paulo Gonçalves, 2012, France |
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On the Manipulability of Voting Systems: Application to Multi-Carrier Networks, François Durand ■, Fabien Mathieu ■, Ludovic Noirie ■, CoRR 2012 |
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Optical Multi-Granularity Architectural Framework, Dimitri Papadimitriou, Emmanuel Dotaro, Laurent Ciavaglia, Martin Vigoureux, Richard Douville, Ludovic Noirie, 2001 |