Public-attention-based Adversarial Attack on Traffic Sign Recognition,
Lijun Chi, Mounira Msahli, Gérard Memmi ■, Han Qiu,
CCNC 2023
The Devil Hides in the Model: Reviewing Blockchain and BFT Protocols,
Antoine Durand, Gérard Memmi ■,
BLOCKCHAIN 2022, L'Aquila, Italy
PE-AONT: Partial Encryption All or Nothing Transform,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
Blockchain Performance Benchmarking: a VCG Auction Smart Contract Use Case for Ethereum and Tezos (Short Paper),
Lucas Massoni Sguerra, Pierre Jouvelot, Emilio Jesús Gallego Arias, Gérard Memmi ■, Fabien Coelho,
FAB 2021 - Fourth International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain 2021, Davis / Virtual, United States
Performance Analysis of an Energy Trading Platform Using the Ethereum Blockchain,
Dongmin Son, Sawsan Al Zahr, Gérard Memmi ■,
The StakeCube blockchain : Instantiation, Evaluation & Applications,
Antoine Durand, Guillaume Hébert, Khalifa Toumi, Gérard Memmi ■, Emmanuelle Anceaume,
BCCA 2020 - International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications 2020, Virtual, Türkiye
The StakeCube blockchain : Instantiation, Evaluation & Applications,
Antoine Durand, Guillaume Hebert, Khalifa Toumi, Gérard Memmi ■, Emmanuelle Anceaume,
BCCA 2020
Revisiting Shared Data Protection Against Key Exposure,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Matthieu Rambaud, Gérard Memmi ■,
AsiaCCS 2020
Multi-hop Data Fragmentation in Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks,
Keun Woo Lim, Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■, Woo Sung Jung,
GIoTS 2020
A Data Augmentation-Based Defense Method Against Adversarial Attacks in Neural Networks,
Yi Zeng, Han Qiu ■, Gérard Memmi ■, Meikang Qiu,
ICA3PP 2020
ChainIDE 2.0: Facilitating Smart Contract Development for Consortium Blockchain,
Xiao Wu, Han Qiu ■, Shuyi Zhang, Gérard Memmi ■, Keke Gai, Wei Cai,
INFOCOM Workshops 2020
Resisting Adversarial Examples via Wavelet Extension and Denoising,
Qinkai Zheng, Han Qiu ■, Tianwei Zhang, Gérard Memmi ■, Meikang Qiu, Jialiang Lu,
SmartCom 2020
DC Coefficients Recovery from AC Coefficients in the JPEG Compression Scenario,
Han Qiu ■, Qinkai Zheng, Meikang Qiu, Gérard Memmi ■,
SmartCom 2019, Birmingham, United Kingdom
Secure Data Sharing with Fast Access Revocation through Untrusted Clouds,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Han Qiu ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
Poster Abstract: Secure Data Sharing by Means of Fragmentation, Encryption, and Dispersion,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Han Qiu ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
INFOCOM Workshops 2019, Paris, France
Reinforcing Protection Against Chosen-Plaintext Attack Using Ciphertext Fragmentation in Multi-cloud Environments,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Han Qiu ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
CSCloud/EdgeCom 2019, Paris, France
A Fast and Scalable Fragmentation Algorithm For Data Protection For Multi-Storage Over Independent Locations,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
Esorics’18, STM workshop 2018, Barcelona, Spain
A Dynamic Scalable Blockchain Based Communication Architecture for IoT,
Han Qiu, Meikang Qiu, Gérard Memmi ■, Zhong Ming, Meiqin Liu,
SmartBlock 2018, Tokyo, Japan
POSTER: Circular AON: A very fast Scheme to protect Encrypted Data Against Key Exposure,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
ACM CCS’18 2018, Toronto, Canada
Selective All-Or-Nothing Transform: Protecting Outsourced Data Against Key Exposure,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
CSS 2018, Amalfi, Italy
Enhancing data protection with a structure-wise fragmentation and dispersal of encrypted data,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
TrustCom'18 2018, New-York, United States
Circular AON: A Very Fast Scheme to Protect Encrypted Data Against Key Exposure,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
CCS 2018
A Case Study for Practical Issues of DCT Based Bitmap Selective Encryption Methods,
Han Qiu, Nathalie Enfrin, Gérard Memmi ■,
SSIC 2018
A Fast and Scalable Fragmentation Algorithm for Data Protection Using Multi-storage over Independent Locations,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
STM 2018
Enhancing Data Protection in a Distributed Storage Environment Using Structure-Wise Fragmentation and Dispersal of Encrypted Data,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
TrustCom/BigDataSE 2018
Secure and Resilient Scheme for Data Protection in Unattanded Wireless Sensor Networks,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■, Hassan Noura,
1st IEEE-IFIP CSNet 2017, Rio de Janero, Brazil
An Efficient Secure Storage Scheme Based on Information Fragmentation,
Han Qiu, Gérard Memmi ■, Hassan Noura,
CSCloud 2017, New-York, United States
Experimental energy profiling of energy-critical embedded applications,
Kameswar Rao Vaddina, Florian Brandner, Gérard Memmi ■, Pierre Jouvelot,
SoftCOM 2017, Radisson Blu Resort Split, Croatia
Modeling the energy consumption of programs: thermal aspects and Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule,
Karel De Vogeleer, Kameswar Rao Vaddina, Florian Brandner, Pierre Jouvelot, Gérard Memmi ■,
The Ninth International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP 2017) 2017, Nanjing, China
Secure and resilient scheme for data protection in unattended wireless sensor networks,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■, Hassan Noura,
CSNet 2017
Modeling the energy consumption of programs: Thermal aspects and energy/frequency convexity rule (invited paper),
Karel De Vogeleer, Kameswar Rao Vaddina, Florian Brandner, Pierre Jouvelot, Gérard Memmi ■,
WCSP 2017
POSTER: A Keyless Efficient Algorithm for Data Protection by Means of Fragmentation,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■, Hassan Noura,
CCS 2016, Vienna, Austria
A Model-Based Testing Process for Enhancing Structural Coverage in Functional Testing,
Yanjun Sun, Gérard Memmi ■, Sylvie Vignes,
CSDM Asia 2016, Singapore, Singapore
Model-Based Verification Directed by Structural Coverage and Functional Requirements,
Yanjun Sun, Gérard Memmi ■, Sylvie Vignes,
Model-Based Verification & Validation (MVV) 2016, Vienna, Austria
Model-Based Testing Directed by Structural Coverage and Functional Requirements,
Yanjun Sun, Gérard Memmi ■, Sylvie Vignes,
QRS Companion 2016
Data protection by means of fragmentation in distributed storage systems,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■,
CFIP/NOTERE 2015, Paris, France
Data protection: Combining fragmentation, encryption, and dispersion,
Gérard Memmi ■, Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Han Qiu,
SSIC 2015
Modeling the temperature bias of power consumption for nanometer-scale CPUs in application processors,
Karel De Vogeleer, Gérard Memmi ■, Pierre Jouvelot, Fabien Coelho,
ICSAMOS 2014, Samos, Greece
Fast Selective Encryption Method for Bitmaps Based on GPU Acceleration,
Han Qiu, Gérard Memmi ■,
ISM 2014
A reconfigurable design-for-debug infrastructure for SoCs,
Miron Abramovici, Paul Bradley, Kumar Dwarakanath, Peter Levin, Gérard Memmi, Dave Miller,
DAC 2006
Application of Formal Verification to Design Creation and Implementation,
Noel Strader, Gérard Memmi, Carl Pixley,
ISQED 2001
Experiment and Performance Evaluation of a Distributed Collaboration System,
Li Tao Chen, Gérard Memmi, Pascal Petit, Patrick Denimal,
Scrutiny: A Collaborative Inspection and Review System,
John Gintell, John Arnold, Michael Houde, Jacek Kruszelnicki, Roland Mckenney, Gérard Memmi,
ESEC 1993
Composition of nets via a communication medium,
Younes Souissi, Gérard Memmi,
Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 1989
Analysing Nets by the Invariant Method,
Gérard Memmi, Jacques Vautherin,
Advances in Petri Nets 1986
Computation of flows for unary-predicates/transition-nets,
Jacques Vautherin, Gérard Memmi,
European Workshop on Applications and Theory in Petri Nets 1984
Fifo nets: a new model of parallel computation,
Alain Finkel, Gérard Memmi,
Theoretical Computer Science 1983
Linear Algebra in Net Theory,
Gérard Memmi, Gerard Roucairol,
Advanced Course - Net Theory and Applications 1979
Wangiri Fraud: Pattern Analysis and Machine-Learning-Based Detection,
Akshaya Ravi, Mounira Msahli, Han Qiu, Gérard Memmi ■, Albert Bifet, Meikang Qiu,
IEEE Internet Things J. 2023
Lightweight blockchain processing: case study: scanned document tracking on Tezos blockchain,
Mohamed Allouche, Tarek Frikha, Mihai Mitrea, Gérard Memmi ■, Faten Chaabane,
Applied Sciences 2021
Adversarial Attacks Against Network Intrusion Detection in IoT Systems,
Han Qiu, Tian Dong, Tianwei Zhang, Jialiang Lu, Gérard Memmi ■, Meikang Qiu,
IEEE Internet Things J. 2021
Toward Secure and Efficient Deep Learning Inference in Dependable IoT Systems,
Han Qiu, Qinkai Zheng, Tianwei Zhang, Meikang Qiu, Gérard Memmi ■, Jialiang Lu,
IEEE Internet Things J. 2021
A User-Centric Data Protection Method for Cloud Storage Based on Invertible DWT,
Han Qiu, Hassan Noura, Meikang Qiu, Zhong Ming, Gérard Memmi ■,
IEEE Trans. Cloud Comput. 2021
Deep Residual Learning-Based Enhanced JPEG Compression in the Internet of Things,
Han Qiu, Qinkai Zheng, Gérard Memmi ■, Jialiang Lu, Meikang Qiu, Bhavani Thuraisingham,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 2021
Topological Graph Convolutional Network-Based Urban Traffic Flow and Density Prediction,
Han Qiu, Qinkai Zheng, Mounira Msahli, Gérard Memmi ■, Meikang Qiu, Jialiang Lu,
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 2021
Secure Health Data Sharing for Medical Cyber-Physical Systems for the Healthcare 4.0,
Han Qiu ■, Meikang Qiu, Meiqin Liu, Gérard Memmi ■,
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics 2020
All-Or-Nothing data protection for ubiquitous communication: Challenges and perspectives,
Han Qiu ■, Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Zhihui Lu, Meikang Qiu, Gérard Memmi ■,
Information Sciences 2019
An efficient key distribution system for data fusion in V2X heterogeneous networks,
Han Qiu ■, Meikang Qiu, Zhihui Lu, Gérard Memmi ■,
Information Fusion 2019
Additively homomorphic encryption and fragmentation scheme for data aggregation inside unattended wireless sensor networks,
Katarzyna Kapusta ■, Gérard Memmi ■, Hassan Noura,
Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications 2019
DC coefficient recovery for JPEG images in ubiquitous communication systems,
Han Qiu ■, Gérard Memmi ■, Xuan Chen, Jian Xiong,
Future Generation Computer Systems 2019
Note sur la cryptanalyse de Diffie-Hellman,
Matthieu Rambaud, Gérard Memmi ■,
Génie Logiiel 2017
Parameter sensitivity analysis of the Energy/Frequency Convexity Rule for application processors,
Karel De Vogeleer, Gérard Memmi ■, Pierre Jouvelot,
Journal of Sustainable Computing, Informatics and Systems 2017
Fast Selective Encryption Methods for Bitmap Images,
Han Qiu, Gérard Memmi ■,
Int. J. Multim. Data Eng. Manag. 2015
CONNEXION : Éléments de méthodologie de vérification et validation. Épisode 1 : relever les principaux défis,
Yanjun Sun, Gérard Memmi ■, Sylvie Vignes, Frédéric Daumas,
Génie logiciel : le magazine de l'ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes 2014
Deux retours d’expérience avec la méthodologie SCRUM,
Gérard Memmi ■,
Génie logiciel : le magazine de l'ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes 2011
Lessons learned with ACME an environment integration experiment,
John Gintell, Gérard Memmi,
ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 1997
An Introduction to Fifo Nets-Monogeneous Nets: A Subclass of Fifo Nets,
Gérard Memmi, Alain Finkel,
Theor. Comput. Sci. 1985
Some New Results About the (d, k) Graph Problem,
Gérard Memmi, Yves Raillard,
IEEE Trans. Computers 1982