Mauro Sardara
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Towards a scalable and programmable incremental deployment of ICN in the real world Vers un déploiement incremental programmable et évolutif d’ICN dans le monde réel, Mauro Sardara ■, 2019 |
Journal articles
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Securing Scalable Real-time Multiparty Communications with Hybrid Information-centric Networking, Luca Muscariello ■, Michele Papalini, Olivier Roques, Mauro Sardara, Arthur Tran Van, ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 2023 |
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Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming: Towards a Systematic Comparison of ICN and TCP/IP, Jacques Samain ■, Giovanna Carofiglio, Luca Muscariello ■, Michele Papalini, Mauro Sardara ■, Michele Tortelli ■, Dario Rossi ■, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2017 |