Hakima Chaouchi
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In Search of Distance Functions That Improve Autoencoder Performance for Intrusion Detection, Remi Bouchayer, Jae Yun Jun, Hakima Chaouchi, Philippe Millet, ICUFN 2023 |
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Study of IoT Architecture and Application Invariant Functionalities, Nahit Pawar, Thomas Bourgeau, Hakima Chaouchi, IM 2021 |
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PrIoT Demo: Example of Invariant Functionalities, Nahit Pawar, Thomas Bourgeau, Hakima Chaouchi, IM 2021 |
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Adaptive V2X User Selection and Resource Allocation for Ultra-Dense 5G HetNet Network, Amal Bouaziz, Ahlem Saddoud, Lamia Chaari Fourati, Hakima Chaouchi, IWCMC 2021 |
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Distributed online Data Anomaly Detection for connected vehicles, Naman Singh Negi, Ons Jelassi, Hakima Chaouchi, Stephan Clemencon, ICAIIC 2020, Fukuoka, Japan |
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Industrial field autonomous systems: AI-assisted distributed applications at Edge, Yannick Fourastier, Claude Baron, Philippe Esteban, Hakima Chaouchi, Carsten Thomas, Victor Lehonov, Jean-Paul Smets, International Conference on Advances in Signal Processing and Artificial Intelligence 2020, berlin, Germany |
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Employing SABRE relay network for Country-Wide Blockchain network, Aman Pandey, Hakima Chaouchi, BCCA 2020 |
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Poster : R-Bus - A Resource Bus for Modular System Design, Nahit Pawar, Thomas Bourgeau, Hakima Chaouchi, EWSN 2020 |
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Demo: Low-cost, Low-power Testbed for Establishing Network of LoRaWAN Nodes, Nahit Pawar, Thomas Bourgeau, Hakima Chaouchi, EWSN 2020 |
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Power Gating and Its Application in Wake-Up Radio, Nahit Pawar, Thomas Bourgeau, Hakima Chaouchi, EWSN 2020 |
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Contextual-Bandit Anomaly Detection for IoT Data in Distributed Hierarchical Edge Computing, Mao Ngo, Tie Luo, Hakima Chaouchi, Tony Quek, ICDCS 2020 |
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R-Bus: a resource bus for modular system design, Nahit Pawar, Thomas Bourgeau, Hakima Chaouchi, IOT 2020 |
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Dynamic Joint Resource Allocation and Femtocell Selection for 5G HetNet, Amal Bouaziz, Ahlem Saddoud, Lamia Chaari Fourati, Hakima Chaouchi, ADHOC-NOW 2018, Saint Malo, France |
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PrIoT: Prototyping the Internet of Things, Nahit Pawar, Thomas Bourgeau, Hakima Chaouchi, FiCloud 2018, Barcelone, Spain |
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Exploring the flexibility of network access control in the recursive InterNetwork Architecture, Ichrak Amdouni, Fatma Hrizi, Anis Laouiti, Eduard Grasa, Hakima Chaouchi, APCC 2016, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
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Micro-economy effect on cloud federation, Jacques Bou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi ■, Rami Yared, Talar Atechian, GSCIT 2015, Sousse, Tunisia |
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Soft frequency reuse schemes for heterogeneous LTE systems, Giovanni Giambene, Van Anh Le, Thomas Bourgeau, Hakima Chaouchi ■, ICC 2015, Londres, United Kingdom |
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Privacy using mobile cloud, Jacques Bou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi ■, Talar Atechian, Carole Bassil, DICTAP 2015 : 5th International Conference on Digital Information and Communication Technology and its Applications 2015, Beirut, Lebanon |
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Enhanced Revenue Optimizing SLA-Based Admission Control for IaaS Cloud Networks, Jacques Bou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi ■, Talar Atechian, FiCloud 2015, Rome, Italy |
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SFR: Scalable forwarding with RINA for distributed clouds, Fatma Hrizi, Anis Laouiti, Hakima Chaouchi ■, NOF 2015, Montreal, Canada |
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Privacy using mobile cloud computing, Jacques Bou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi ■, Talar Atechian, Carole Bassil, DICTAP 2015 |
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Wireless Sensor Networks and Efficient Localisation, Pinar Kirci, Hakima Chaouchi, Anis Laouiti, FiCloud 2014, Barcelona, Spain |
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Operator centric mobile cloud architecture, Jacques Bou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi, Kablan Barbar, Guy Pujolle, WCNC 2014, Istanbul, Türkiye |
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Cluster-based protocol structures in WSNs, Pinar Kirci, Hakima Chaouchi, Anis Laouiti, IWSSIP 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia |
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Cloud federation means cash, Jacques Abou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi, Kabalan Barbar, Guy Pujolle, ICeND 2014 : Third International Conference on e-Technologies and Networks for Development 2014, Beyrouth, Lebanon |
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Single-Sign-On in operator centric mobile cloud architecture, Jacques Abou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi, Kabalan Barbar, Guy Pujolle, MELECON 2014 : 17th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference 2014, Beyrouth, Lebanon |
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Cloud Federation? We Are Not Ready Yet, Jacques Bou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi, Kablan Barbar, Guy Pujolle, Talar Atechian, HPCC/CSS/ICESS 2014 |
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Broker-based Cross-Cloud Federation Manager, Jacques Bou Abdo, Jacques Demerjian, Hakima Chaouchi, Kablan Barbar, Guy Pujolle, ICITST 2013 |
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Extended early update for host identity protocol with movement prediction, Zeynep Gurkas Aydin, Abdul Halim Zaim, Hakima Chaouchi, Tülin Atmaca, ICNFI 2011 : 1st International Conference on Networking and Future Internet 2011, Paris, France |
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Cooperative fingerprint-based indoor localization using Self-Organizing Maps, Apostolia Papapostolou, Wendong Xiao, Hakima Chaouchi, IWCMC 2011, Istanbul, Türkiye |
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A Prediction Based Mobility Extension for eHIP Protocol, Gulsum Zeynep Gurkas Aydin, Abdul Halim Zaim, Hakima Chaouchi, Tulin Atmaca, ISCIS 2011, London, United Kingdom |
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RFID service for non-RFID enabled devices: Embedded hardware implementation, Oscar Botero, Hakima Chaouchi, The 2nd International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT) 2011 |
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RFID network topology design based on Genetic Algorithms, Oscar Botero, Hakima Chaouchi, RFID-TA 2011 |
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On the Integration of LTE and Mobile WiMAX Networks, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, ICCCN 2010, Zurich, Switzerland |
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Deploying wireless sensor/actuator networks and RFID for handoff enhancement, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, CIMSiM 2010 : 2nd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Modelling and Simulation 2010, Bali, Indonesia |
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QoS mobility-aware algorithm using early update for Host Identity Protocol, Gulsum Zeynep Gurkas Aydin, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, Abdul Halim Zaim, PIMRC 2010, Istanbul, Türkiye |
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Handoff Management Relying on RFID Technology, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, WCNC 2010, Sydney, Australia |
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Energy-aware and fast handoff relying on wireless sensor/actuator networks and RFID, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, ANT 2010 : The International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies 2010, Paris, France |
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Simulation-Based Analysis for a Heterogeneous Indoor Localization Scheme, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, CCNC '10 : 7th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference 2010, Las Vegas, United States |
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Peer-to-Peer Framework for RFID/Non-RFID Reader-Enabled Users, Oscar Botero, Hakima Chaouchi, Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom), 2010 IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on & Int'l Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) 2010 |
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Host Identity Protocol Proactive Mobility Management Experimentation, Arraez Leonardo, Hakima Chaouchi, AICT 2010 |
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RFID-Assisted Movement Detection Improvement in IP Mobility, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, NTMS 2009, Cairo, Egypt |
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Zone switching diversity for hierarchical resource allocation in mobile WiMAX networks, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, MWS 2009 : IEEE Mobile Wimax Symposium 2009, Napa Valley, Ca, United States |
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Orientation-based radio map extensions for improving positioning system accuracy, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, IWCMC 2009, Leipzig, Germany |
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An optimized handover decision for heterogenous wireless networks, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, PM2HW2N@MSWiM 2009, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain |
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Exploiting multi-modality and diversity for localization enhancement : WiFi & RFID usecase, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, PIMRC 2009 : IEEE 20th Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications Symposium 2009, Tokyo, Japan |
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On AAA framework in opportunistic ad-hoc networks : OLSR usecase, Willy Ronald Jimenez Freitez, Hakima Chaouchi, MWNS 2009 : 2nd International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networks Security in conjunction with IFIP Networking 2009 2009, Aachen, Germany |
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eHIP: early update for Host Identity Protocol, Gulsum Zeynep Gurkas Aydin, Hakima Chaouchi, Abdul Halim Zaim, Mobility Conference 2009, Nice, France |
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Robust and Efficient Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks with Unreliable Nodes, Apostolia Papapostolou, Vasilis Friderikos, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, NEW2AN '09 : The 10th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking 2009, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation |
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A Quality of Service Based Mobility Management in Heterogenous Wireless Networks, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, NEW2AN '09 : The 10th International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Advanced Networking 2009, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation |
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Considerations for RFID-Based Indoor Simultaneous Tracking, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, WMNC/PWC 2009 |
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WIFE: Wireless Indoor Positioning Based on Fingerprint Evaluation, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, Networking 2009 |
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Exploiting multi-modality and diversity for localization enhancement: WiFi & RFID usecase, Apostolia Papapostolou, Hakima Chaouchi, PIMRC 2009 |
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Platform and experimentation of secure service location with P2P/Client-Server over ad hoc networks, Oscar Botero, Hakima Chaouchi, Wireless Days 2009 |
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WATCHMAN: An Overlay Distributed AAA Architecture for Mobile Ad hoc Networks, Amir Khakpour, Maryline Laurent Maknavicius, Hakima Chaouchi, ARES 2008, Barcelona, Spain |
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Toward a new ad hoc node design for secure service deployment over ad hoc network, Hakima Chaouchi, Maryline Laurent, MWNS 2008 : Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Networks Security 2008, Singapore, Singapore |
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Light and distributed AAA scheme for mobile ad-hoc networks, Sondes Larafa, Maryline Laurent, Hakima Chaouchi, SETOP 2008 : 1st Workshop on Security of Autonomous and Spontaneous Networks 2008, Loctudy, France |
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Peer-to-peer assisted security context transfer for mobile terminals, Sampath Ranasinghe, Hakima Chaouchi, Vasilis Friderikos, Hamid Aghvami, Wireless Days 2008 |
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SAACCESS : secured ad hoc access framework, Hakima Chaouchi, Maryline Laurent, NTMS 2007 : 1st IFIP International Conference on NewTechnologies, Mobility and Security 2007, Paris, France |
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Architecture de sécurité dans un réseau mesh multi sauts GRES '07 : Dynamic Adaptation of Networks and Services, Amin Ben Abdallah, Omar Cheikhrouhou, Maryline Laurent, Hakima Chaouchi, Maher Ben Jemaa, GRES 2007 : 8ème Colloque Francophone de Gestion de REseaux et de Services "Adaptation dynamique des réseaux et des services" 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia |
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ESSTCP: Enhanced Spread-Spectrum TCP, Amir Khakpour, Hakima Chaouchi, IPDPS 2007 |
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Seamless Interworking of WLAN and WMAN wireless networks, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, Andreas Kasslar, Guy Pujolle, First International Workshop on Mobile Services and Personalized Environments, MSPE 2006 2006, Aachen, Germany |
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Threshold based WiMax resource reservation, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, Andre Luc Beylot, Guy Pujolle, Mobility Conference 2006, Bangkok, Thailand |
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Issues and Challenges in WiFi to WiMax Integration, Tara Ali Yahiya, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, JDIR 2005 - 7èmes Journées Doctorales Informatique et Réseau 2005, Troyes, France |
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AOA: an autonomous-oriented architecture, Guy Pujolle, Hakima Chaouchi, ISADS 2005 |
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Beyond TCP/IP: A Context-Aware Architecture, Guy Pujolle, Hakima Chaouchi, Dominique Gaiti, Net-Con 2004, Palma de Mallorca, Spain |
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GBN and STP/SP: beyond TCP/IP crisis over wireless networks, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, PIMRC 2004 |
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Policy Based Handover In Wireless and Mobile Networks, Hakima Chaouchi, Net-Con 2003 - IFIP 2nd International Conference on Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility 2003, Muscat, Oman |
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Policy Based Management of Always Best Connected users, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, 1st Anwire Workshop 2003, Glasgow, United Kingdom |
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Always Best Connected Enabled 4G Wireless World, Ivan Ganchev, Giacomo Morabito, Renato Narcisi, V. Friederikos, Nikos Passas, Sarantis Paskalis, Adil S. Jahan, Evangelos Tsontsis, Julien Rotrou, Hakima Chaouchi, IST Mobile & Wireless Summit 2003 2003, Aveiro, Portugal |
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Working toward an Anwire System Integration architecture, Mathias Siebert, Hakima Chaouchi, 1st International ANWIRE Workshop 2003, Glasgow, United Kingdom |
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Policy-based management of roaming users, Hakima Chaouchi, International Conference on Telecommunication Systems - ICTS 2002 2002, Monterey, CA, United States |
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A New policy aware terminal, Hakima Chaouchi, IFIP TC6 / WG6.2 & WG6.7 Conference on Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility (Net-Con 2002) 2002, Paris, France |
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QoS Policy-based Management for IEEE 802.11 Wireless ISPs, Hakima Chaouchi, Anelise Munaretto Fonseca, IFIP Med-Hoc-Net 2002 2002, Sardinia, Italy |
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I3- A New Intelligent Generation for Internet Networks, Nadia Boukhatem, Benoit Campedel, Brahim Chakeur, Hakima Chaouchi, Vincent Guyot, Francine Krief, Thi Mai Trang Nguyen, Guy Pujolle, SmartNet 2002 - 7th International Conference on Intelligence in Networks 2002, Saariselka, Finland |
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A New Wireless Archtecture for QoS, Security and Mobility, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, ISCIS XVII - 17th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences 2002, Orlondo, FL, United States |
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A Trial towards Unifying Control Protocols: COPS versus RADIUS/DIAMETER, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, Hossam Afifi, Hahnsang Kim, MWCN 2002 2002, Stockholm, Sweden |
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A New Policy Based Management of Mobile IP Users, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, NETWORKING 2002, Pisa, Italy |
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QoS, Security, and Mobility Management for Fixed and Wireless Networks under Policy- based Techniques, Guy Pujolle, Hakima Chaouchi, Communication Systems - The State of the Art 2002, Montréal, Canada |
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A trial towards unifying control protocols: COPS versus Radius/DIAMETER and Mobile IP, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, Hossam Afifi, Hahnsang Kim, MWCN 2002 |
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A New Intelligent Generation for Internet Networks, Nadia Boukhatem, Benoit Campedel, Brahim Chakeur, Hakima Chaouchi, Vincent Guyot, Francine Krief, Thi Mai Trang Nguyen, Guy Pujolle, SMARTNET 2002 |
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I3- Pour une 3è génération de réseaux IP, Nadia Boukhatem, Benoit Campedel, Hakima Chaouchi, Vincent Guyot, Francine Krief, Thi Mai Trang Nguyen, Guy Pujolle, DNAC'2001 2001, Paris, France |
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COPS-MU: Policy based User Mobility Management, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, MS3G'2001 2001, Lyon, France |
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i3 - Une nouvelle génération intelligente de réseaux IP, Nadia Boukhatem, Benoit Campedel, Brahim Chakeur, Hakima Chaouchi, Vincent Guyot, Francine Krief, Thi Mai Trang Nguyen, Guy Pujolle, GRES 2001 2001, Marrakech, Morocco |
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A new policy based management of mobile users, Hakima Chaouchi, Guy Pujolle, ASWN 2001 - IEEE Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks 2001, Ivry, France |
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De la mobilité dans les futurs réseaux Internet, Hakima Chaouchi, DNAC 2001 2001, Paris, France |
Journal articles
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Authentication services in mobile ad hoc networks, Willy Ronald Jimenez Freitez, Hakima Chaouchi, Maryline Laurent, 2008 |
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Experimental experience with Host Identity Protocol (HIP), Nahla Abid, Maryline Laurent, Hakima Chaouchi, 2008 |
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Procédé d'échange de données dans un réseau ad hoc, Hakima Chaouchi, Maryline Laurent, 2009, France |
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Adaptive Anomaly Detection for IoT Data in Hierarchical Edge Computing, Mao Ngo, Hakima Chaouchi, Tie Luo, Tony Quek, CoRR 2020 |
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Interoperability, Safety and Security in IoT, Giancarlo Fortino, Carlos E. Palau, Antonio Guerrieri, Nora Cuppens, Frédéric Cuppens, Hakima Chaouchi, Alban Gabillon, Third International Conference, InterIoT 2017, and Fourth International Conference, SaSeIot 2017 2018, Valence, Spain |