Connectivity and interference in device-to-device networks in Poisson-Voronoi cities,
Paul Holger Keeler, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Elie Cali,
2023, Singapore, Singapore
Energy and delay trade-offs of end-to-end vehicular communications using a hyperfractal urban modelling,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Philippe Jacquet ■, Bernard Mans, Dalia Popescu,
Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications 2023
Particle gradient descent model for point process generation,
Antoine Brochard, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Sixin Zhang, Stephane Mallat,
Statistics and Computing 2022
Characterizing the Energy Trade-Offs of End-to-End Vehicular Communications using an Hyperfractal Urban Modelling,
Dalia Popescu, Philippe Jacquet ■, Bernard Mans, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■,
Relay-assisted Device-to-Device Networks: Connectivity and Uberization Opportunities,
Quentin Le Gall, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Elie Cali, Taoufik En Najjary,
Coverage probability in wireless networks with determinantal scheduling,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Antoine Brochard, Paul Holger Keeler,
Location Aware Opportunistic Bandwidth Sharing between Static and Mobile Users with Stochastic Learning in Cellular Networks,
Arpan Chattopadhyay, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Eitan Altman ■,
Two-Tier Cellular Networks for Throughput Maximization of Static and Mobile Users,
Arpan Chattopadhyay, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Eitan Altman ■,
Performance Analysis of Cellular Networks With Opportunistic Scheduling Using Queueing Theory and Stochastic Geometry,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
Statistical learning of geometric characteristics of wireless networks,
Antoine Brochard, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Stephane Mallat, Sixin Zhang,
Analyzing LoRa long-range, low-power, wide-area networks using stochastic geometry,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Muhlethaler ■,
Determinantal thinning of point processes with network learning applications,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Holger Paul Keeler,
The Influence of Canyon Shadowing on Device-to-Device Connectivity in Urban Scenario,
Quentin Le Gall, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Elie Cali, Taoufik En Najjary,
Gibbsian On-Line Distributed Content Caching Strategy for Cellular Networks,
Arpan Chattopadhyay, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Holger Keeler,
Optimizing spatial throughput in device-to-device networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Holger Paul Keeler, Paul Muhlethaler ■,
Optimal geographic caching in cellular networks with linear content coding,
Jocelyne Elias, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■,
Spatial Distribution of the SINR in Poisson Cellular Networks With Sector Antennas,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2016
Spatial Disparity of QoS Metrics Between Base Stations in Wireless Cellular Networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Rita Ibrahim, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
Stronger Wireless Signals Appear More Poisson,
Holger Paul Keeler, Nathan Ross, Aihua Xia, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■,
Cell planning for mobility management in heterogeneous cellular networks,
Arpan Chattopadhyay, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Eitan Altman ■,
Limit theory for geometric statistics of clustering point processes,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Yogeshwaran, Joseph Yukich,
Optimal geographic caching in cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Anastasios Giovanidis,
2015, London, United Kingdom
Random Linear Multihop Relaying in a General Field of Interferers Using Spatial Aloha,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Muhlethaler ■,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2015
What frequency bandwidth to run cellular network in a given country? - A downlink dimensioning problem,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
2015, Bombay, India
Wireless Networks Appear Poissonian Due to Strong Shadowing,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray, Paul Holger Keeler,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2015
Performance laws of large heterogeneous cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Miodrag Jovanovic, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
2015, Bombay, India
Interference and SINR coverage in spatial non-slotted Aloha networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Muhlethaler ■,
Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications 2015
Theoretical expression of link performance in OFDM cellular networks with MIMO compared to simulation and measurements,
Mohamed Kadhem Karray, Miodrag Jovanovic, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■,
Studying the SINR Process of the Typical User in Poisson Networks Using Its Factorial Moment Measures,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Holger Paul Keeler,
Studying the SINR process of the typical user in Poisson networks by using its factorial moment measures,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Holger Paul Keeler,
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2014
Qos and network performance estimation in heterogeneous cellular networks validated by real-field measurements,
Miodrag Jovanovic, Mohamed Kadhem Karray, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■,
2014, Montreal, Canada
SINR in Wireless Networks and the Two-Parameter Poisson-Dirichlet Process,
Holger Paul Keeler, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■,
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2014
How user throughput depends on the traffic demand in large cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Miodrag Jovanovic, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
2014, Hammamet, Tunisia
Quality of Real-Time Streaming in Wireless Cellular Networks - Stochastic Modeling and Analysis,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Miodrag Jovanovic, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2014
Pioneers of Influence Propagation in Social Networks,
Kumar Gaurav ■, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Holger Paul Keeler,
2014, Atlanta, United States
Analysis of a proportionally fair and locally adaptive Spatial Aloha in Poisson Networks,
François Baccelli ■, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Chandramani Singh,
2014, Toronto, Canada
Equivalence and comparison of heterogeneous cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Holger Paul Keeler,
2013, London, United Kingdom
SINR-based k-coverage probability in cellular networks with arbitrary shadowing,
Holger Paul Keeler, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
2013, Istanbul, Türkiye
Quality of Service in Wireless Cellular Networks Subject to Log-Normal Shadowing,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
IEEE Transactions on Communications 2013
Using Poisson processes to model lattice cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray, Holger Paul Keeler,
2013, Turin, Italy
Stochastic analysis of Aloha in vehicular ad hoc networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Muhlethaler ■, Yasser Toor,
Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications 2013
SINR-based coverage probability in cellular networks under multiple connections,
Holger Paul Keeler, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
Mean user throughput versus traffic demand in large irregular cellular networks - a typical cell approach explaining real field measurements,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Miodrag Jovanovic, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
Performance of opportunistic routing in low duty-cycle wireless sensor networks,
Nadjib Aitsaadi, Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Muhlethaler ■,
2012, Dublin, Ireland
Linear-regression estimation of the propagation-loss parameters using mobiles' measurements in wireless cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
2012, Paderborn, Germany
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks: Point-to-Point, Emergency and Broadcast Communications,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Muhlethaler ■, Nadjib Achir,
Wireless Days 2012, Dublin, Ireland
Farout vertices in weighted repeated configuration model,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Kumar Gaurav ■,
2012, London, United Kingdom
Effect of opportunistic scheduling on the quality of service perceived by the users in OFDMA cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
Annals of Telecommunications - annales des télécommunications 2012
Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks using slotted Aloha: Point-to-point, emergency and broadcast communications,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Muhlethaler ■, Nadjib Achir,
What geometry for wireless networks - when Honeycomb is as Poisson and what if both are not ideal,
@Pid, #Text,
Stochastic Analytic Evaluation of End-to-End Performance of Linear Nearest Neighbour Routing in MANETs with Aloha,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn ■, Paul Muhlethaler ■,
Time-Space Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Ad hoc Networks: Algorithms and Performance Optimization by Stochastic Geometry,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Paul Muhlethaler ■,
The Computer Journal 2010
A New Phase Transitions for Local Delays in MANETs,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn,
2010, San Diego, CA, United States
Coexistence of radio networks using Aloha,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Paul Muhlethaler ■, Skander Banaouas,
2010, Venice, Italy
Impact of the geometry, path-loss exponent and random shadowing on the mean interference factor in wireless cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray, Francois Xavier Klepper,
2010, Budapest, Hungary
Connectivity in Sub-Poisson Networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Yogeshwaran,
2010, Urbana-Champaign, United States
Stochastic Analysis of Non-Slotted Aloha in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Paul Muhlethaler ■,
2010, San Diego, United States
A New Phase Transition for Local Delays in MANETs,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn,
2010, San Diego, United States
Maximizing Throughput of Linear Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) -- a Stochastic Approach,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Paul Muhlethaler, Yasser Toor,
European Wireless 2009, Aalborg, Denmark
Account for fading in the dynamic performance evaluation of OFDMA cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
International Conference on Communications and Networking (ComNet) 2009, Hammamet, Tunisia
Dimensioning of the downlink in OFDMA cellular networks via an Erlang's loss model,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
European Wireless 2009, Aalborg, Denmark
Stochastic Analysis of Spatial and Opportunistic Aloha,
François Baccelli, Paul Muhlethaler, Bartek Blaszczyszyn,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2009
Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks, Volume 1: Theory,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn,
Stochastic Geometry and Wireless Networks, Volume 2: Applications,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn,
Performance of MAC protocols in linear VANETs under different attenuation and fading conditions,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Paul Muhlethaler, Yasser Toor,
An Optimized Relay Self Selection Technique for Opportunistic Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Erwan Ermel, Paul Muhlethaler,
Impact of mean user speed on blocking and cuts of streaming traffic in cellular networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
Using Transmit-Only Sensors to Reduce Deployment Cost of Wireless Sensor Networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Bozidar Radunovic,
An efficient analytical method for dimensioning of CDMA cellular networks serving streaming calls,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
On the performance of time-space opportunistic routing in multihop Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Paul Muhlethaler,
Performance Evaluation of Scalable Congestion Control Schemes for Elastic Traffic in Cellular Networks with Power Control,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
M/D/1/1 loss system with interference and applications to transmit-only sensor networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Bozidar Radunovic,
On Performance of Event-to-Sink Transport in Transmit-Only Sensor Networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Bozidar Radunovic,
An Aloha protocol for multihop mobile wireless networks,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Paul Muhlethaler,
Blocking rates in large CDMA networks via a spatial Erlang formula,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
Up- and Downlink Admission/Congestion Control and Maximal Load in Large Homogeneous CDMA Networks,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Mohamed Kadhem Karray,
Approximation of Functionals of Some Modulated - Poisson Voronoï Tessellations with Applications to Modeling of Communication Networks,
Bartek Blaszczyszyn, René Schott,
International Conference on Voronoï Diagrams in Science and Engineering - VD 2004 2004, Tokyo/Japan
Downlink Admission/Congestion Control and Maximal Load in CDMA Networks,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Florent Tournois,
Spatial Averages of Coverage Characteristics in Large CDMA Networks,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Florent Tournois,
Spatial Averages of Downlink Coverage Characteristics in CDMA Networks,
François Baccelli, Bartek Blaszczyszyn, Florent Tournois,