“Secure and Robust MIMO Transceiver for Multicast Mission Critical Communications”

Speaker : Deepa Jagyasi
Télécom Paris
Date: 20/01/2021
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Mission-critical communications (MCC) involve all communications between people in charge of the safety of the civil society. MCC have unique requirements that include improved reliability, security and group communication support. In this paper, we propose a secure and robust Multiple-Input-Multiple-Output (MIMO) transceiver, designed for multiple Base Stations supporting multicast MCC in presence of multiple eavesdroppers. We formulate minimization problems with the Sum-Mean-Square-Error (SMSE) at legitimate users as an objective function, and a lower bound for the MSE at eavesdroppers as a constraint. Security is achieved thanks to physical layer security mechanisms, namely MIMO beamforming and Artificial Noise (AN). Reliability is achieved by designing a system which is robust to Channel State Information errors. They can be of known distribution or norm-bounded. In the former case, a coordinate descent algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. In the latter case, we propose a worst-case based iterative algorithm. Numerical results at physical layer and system level reveal the crucial role of robust designs for reliable MCC. We show the interest of both robust design and AN to improve the security gap. We show that full BS cooperation is preferred for highly secured and reliable MCC but dynamic clustering allows to trade-off security and reliability against capacity.

Here’s the streaming link: https://telecom-paris.zoom.us/j/94054078947?pwd=VFhyTjIyRWZVYkNzVXp4OXV4c2tTUT09

  • ID de réunion : 940 5407 8947
  • Code secret : 363501