Learning regular sets from queries and counterexamples

Speaker : Marc-Olivier Buob
Nokia Bell Labs France
Date: 17/06/2019
Time: 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Telecom Paristech, I304 (3rd floor)


The problem of identifying an unknown regular set from examples of its members and nonmembers is addressed. It is assumed that the regular set is presented by a minimally adequate Teacher, which can answer membership queries about the set and can also test a conjecture and indicate whether it is equal to the unknown set and provide a counterexample if not. (A counterexample is a string in the symmetric difference of the correct set and the conjectured set.) A learning algorithm L* is described that correctly learns any regular set from any minimally adequate Teacher in time polynomial in the number of states of the minimum dfa for the set and the maximum length of any counterexample provided by the Teacher. It is shown that in a stochastic setting the ability of the Teacher to test conjectures may be replaced by a random sampling oracle, EX( ). A polynomial-time learning algorithm is shown for a particular problem of context-free language identification.

Reference: Learning regular sets from queries and counterexamples (Dana Angluin,