Fine-grained analysis of wireless networks: Spatial outage capacity and rate control

Speaker : Sanket Kalamkar
Inria (ERC Nemo)
Date: 19/06/2019
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: Paris-Rennes Room (EIT Digital)


Modern wireless networks should be able to accommodate a high density of users. But serving more users usually generates higher interference which leads to more failed transmissions. This trade-off gives rise to a natural and fundamental question that surprisingly remained unanswered: What is the maximum density of concurrently active links that meet an outage (reliability) constraint? We answer this question by introducing a new notion of capacity, termed spatial outage capacity (SOC). Using the mathematical tools from stochastic geometry, we formulate and analyze the SOC based on the meta distribution framework which allows us to evaluate per-link reliability in a wireless network. We also prove the duality between the per-link reliability and the rate control, where the latter offers a key advantage of guaranteeing target reliability for each link in the network.

Tags :
Fine-grained analysis of wireless networks: Spatial outage capacity
and rate control , Sanket Kalamkar, Inria, ERC NEMO