I am a researcher at Bell Labs France, Nokia, in the Mad Men team from the Villarceaux Center, and an associate member of LINCS.
My research topics include analytic combinatorics, random graphs, random walks and queueing theory.
contact: depanafieuelie at gmail.com
Stage — Internship
Anne Bouillard, Fabien Mathieu et moi-même proposons un sujet de stage sur les graphes robustes (reliable en anglais).
Anne Bouillard, Fabien Mathieu and I have an internship proposition on reliable graphs.
- 2-Xor revisited: satisfiability and probabilities of functions, Algorithmica 2016, joint work with Danièle Gardy, Bernhard Gittenberger and Markus Kuba
- Phase Transition of Random Non-Uniform Hypergraphs, Journal of Discrete Algorithms (JDA 2015), also available on ArXiv
- Analytic Description of the Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Multigraphs, European Journal of Combinatorics (EJC 2015), also available on ArXiv
- Attribute-based encryption schemes with constant-size ciphertexts, Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 422, March 2012, joint work with Nuttapong Attrapadung, Javier Herranz, Fabien Laguillaumie, Benoît Libert and Carla Rà fols
- Threshold functions for small subgraphs: an analytic approach, proceedings of the European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (Eurocomb 2017), joint work with Gwendal Collet, Danièle Gardy, Bernhard Gittenberger and Vlady Ravelomanana, also available on ArXiv
- Counting connected graphs with large excess, proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (talk presentation at FPSAC 2016), also available on ArXiv
- Graphs with degree constraints, proceedings of the Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics (ANALCO 2016), joint work with Lander Ramos, also available on ArXiv
- Enumeration and structure of inhomogeneous graphs, proceedings of the International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (poster presentation at FPSAC 2015), also available on ArXiv
- Probabilities of 2-Xor functions, proceedings of the 11th Latin American Theoretical INformatics (LATIN 2014), joint work with Danièle Gardy, Bernhard Gittenberger, Markus Kuba
- Phase Transition of Random Non-Uniform Hypergraphs, proceedings of the International Workshop On Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2013), also available on ArXiv
- Analytic Description of the Phase Transition of Inhomogeneous Multigraphs, proceedings of the European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (Eurocomb 2013), joint work with Vlady Ravelomanana.
- Complexity Estimates for Two Uncoupling Algorithms, proceedings of the 38th international symposium on symbolic and algebraic computation (ISSAC 2013), joint work with Alin Bostan, Frédéric Chyzak, also available on ArXiv
- Expressive Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Constant-Size Ciphertexts, Public Key Cryptography 2011, joint work with Nuttapong Attrapadung and Benoît Libert
Other publications
- Limit law for number of components of fixed sizes of graphs with degree one or two, Arxiv (2014), joint work with Nicolas Broutin
- Analytic Combinatorics of Graphs, Hypergraphs and Inhomogeneous Graphs, thesis under the supervision of Vlady Ravelomanana.
2015–today at École Alascienne : mathematics training for the Science Pô examination (bachelor level)
2015–2016 at École Polytechnique : Advanced algorithms (TD) http://www.enseignement.polytechnique.fr/informatique/INF550
2012–2014 at Paris-Diderot :
- Introduction to programming (TD, L1), using java
- Discrete mathematics (TD, L3): regular and algebraic languages, how to use
generating functions to solve sequences following a recurrence relation - Web development (TD, L1): HTML, CSS, PHP, MONGODB. </li>
2009–2011 at École Alsacienne : Introduction to computer science (bachelor level)
Curriculum Vitae
since January 2016: permanent research position at Bell Labs France, Nokia, in the Mad Men team.
September–December 2015: postdoc in the team Complex Networks from Lip6, Universitée Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), under the supervision of Matthieu Latapy.
2014–2015: postdoc at RISC in the project Algorithmic Lattice Path Counting Using the Kernel Method (F50-04) under the supervision of Manuel Kauers.
2011–2014: PhD at LIAFA in the combinatorics team under the supervision of Vlady Ravelomanana on the asymptotic enumeration of graphs, multigraphs, hypergraphs and inhomogeneous graphs using analytic combinatorics.
2010–2011: internship in the team Algorithms under the supervision of Alin Bostan and Frédéric Chyzak in the area of computer algebra.
2009–2010: Master2 of Computer Science MPRI, Agrégation of mathematics (a very selective french examination), Internship in the team Algorithms under the supervision of Alin Bostan and Frédéric Chyzak in the area of computer algebra.
2008–2009: Master1 of Computer Science MPRI, Licence3 and Master1 of mathematics at ENS Cachan and Paris-Diderot, Internship in the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (UCL) under the supervision of Benoît Libert in the area of cryptographic protocols.
2007–2008: licence3 of Computer Science at ENS Cachan. Internship in the team CACAO (now CARAMEL) of Loria (Nancy) under the supervision of Emmanuel Thomé and Paul Zimmermann on the generation of polynomials for the general number field sieve (an integer factorization algorithm).
2004–2007: succeeded the competitive entry examination of École Normale Supérieure of Cachan, classe préparatoire Charlemagne (Paris).