
Chung Shue Chen

  • DTMS, Nokia Bell Labs
  • Permanent Member of LINCS
  • My homepage @Bell Labs
  • Publications sorted @Google Scholar
  • More info @Linkedin Page


Chung-Shue (Calvin) Chen is a Senior Research Scientist and DMTS at Nokia Bell Labs. He also holds a position of Permanent Member at LINCS.

Prior to joining Bell Labs, he worked at INRIA, in the research group on Network Theory & Communications (TREC, INRIA-ENS). He was an ERCIM Alain Bensoussan Fellow at the Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU, Department of Electronics & Telecommunications) and the National Center for Mathematics & Computer Science (CWI, Amsterdam). He was an Assistant Professor at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He worked at CNRS in Lorraine on Real-Time & Embedded Systems.

Calvin has served as TPC in international conferences including ICC, Globecom, WCNC, INFOCOM, PIMRC, VTC, CCNC and WiOpt (TPC Vice Chair). He is an Editor of European Trans. on Telecommunications (ETT) and an Associate Editor of Telecommunication Systems (Springer). He is an IEEE Senior Member. His research spans a wide range of topics in information & communication engineering, 5G/6G, IoT, wireless network, indoor positioning, resource allocation & scheduling problem, intelligent system, and learning algorithm. He was a co-recipient of the Best Paper Award from ACM MobiCom S3 Workshop, the Excellent Paper Award from ICUFN, and the Optoelectronic Technology Innovation Award from IEEE OGC. Thanks to Kenneth Shum, his Erdos number is 3.

Awards & Honors

  1. Distinguished Member of Technical Staff (DMTS), Bell Labs
  2. IEEE Senior Member (SMIEEE)
  3. ERCIM “Alain Bensoussan” Fellowship, European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
  4. IEEE/SPIE OGC Best Paper Award & Optoelectronic Technology Innovation Award (2023)
  5. ICUFN (2022) Excellent Paper Award
  6. ACM MobiCom S3 Workshop (2015) Best Paper Award
  7. IEEE ComSoc Prize for Internship Research Program (Mentor)
  8. Finalist and Outstanding Innovation Award of Bell Labs Global Internship Presentation Event (Mentor)
  9. Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship
  10. Yu To Sang Memorial Scholarship
  11. HSBC Foundation Career Development Program Award

Teaching Experience

  1. Sciences Po (
  2. University Paris-Saclay (
  3. Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers (
  4. The Chinese University of Hong Kong (
  5. HKU School of Professional & Continuing Education (

Selected Publications

A) Resource Allocation and Optimization

  1. Y. Chen, Y. Li, and C. S. Chen, “Joint Scheduling and Power Control for Heterogeneous Wireless Powered Backscattering Radio Symbiotic Networks,” Submitted to TMC, 2024.
  2. M. Zhang, Y. Guo, L. Salaun, C. W. Sung, and C. S. Chen, “Proportional Fair Scheduling for Downlink mmWave Multi-User MISO-NOMA Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2022.
  3. Y. Fu, M. Zhang, L. Salaun, C. W. Sung, and C. S. Chen, “Zero-forcing Oriented Power Minimization for Multi-cell MISO-NOMA Systems: A Joint User Grouping, Beamforming and Power Control Perspective,” IEEE JSAC, 2020.
  4. L. Salaun, M. Coupechoux, and C. S. Chen, “Joint Subcarrier and Power Allocation in NOMA: Optimal and Approximate Algorithms,” IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing (TSP), 2020. [Source Code]
  5. Y. Liu, C. S. Chen, C. W. Sung, and C. Singh, “A game theoretic distributed algorithm for FeICIC optimization in LTE-A HetNets,” IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking (TON), 2017. [Source Code]

B) Machine Learning and AI

  1. A. Pang, M. Wang, Y. Kan, M.-O. Pun, C. S. Chen, and B. Huang, “Human-like Assessment of RL Actions: Leveraging Large Language Models for RL Actions in Traffic Signal Control Systems,” Preprint, 2024.
  2. C. Fernandez, C. S. Chen, P. Gaillard, and A. Silva, “Aggregation Methods and Experimental Comparison of Time-to-Event Analysis Model,” International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Springer, 2024.
  3. S. Mishra, L. Salaun, H. Yang, and C. S. Chen, “Graph Neural Network Aided Power Control in Partially Connected Cell-Free Massive MIMO,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2024.
  4. C. Adjih, C. S. Chen, C. S. Gobin, and I. Hmedoush, “Designing Medium Access Control Protocol Sequence Through Deep Reinforcement Learning,” European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) & 6G Summit, 2023.
  5. Y. Li, X. Su, H. Jiang, and C. S. Chen, “Throughput Maximization for Wireless Powered Communication: Reinforcement Learning Approaches,” IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 2021.

C) Wireless IoT and MTC  

  1. C. S. Chen, Y.-H. Lo, W. S. Wong, and Y. Zhang, “Object Tracking Using Multiset Color Coding,” Preprint, 2024.
  2. S. Mishra, L. Salaun, J.-M. Gorce, and C. S. Chen, “Connection Throughput Maximization for Grant Based Massive IoT with Graph Matching,” IEEE Global Communications Conference (Globecom), 2023.
  3. C. Dumas, L. Salaun, I. Hmedoush, C. Adjih, and C. S. Chen, “Design of Coded Slotted ALOHA with Interference Cancellation Errors,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2021.
  4. S. Mishra, L. Salaun, C. W. Sung, and C. S. Chen, “Downlink Connection Density Maximization for NB-IoT Networks Using NOMA with Perfect and Partial CSI,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT), 2021.
  5. Y. Li, C. S. Chen, Y.-Q. Song, Z. Wang, and Y. Sun, “Enhancing real-time delivery for wireless sensor networks with two-hop information,” IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics (TII), 2009.

D) Indoor Network, Device and Localization

  1. S.-W. Ho and C. S. Chen, “Visible Light Communication Based Positioning using Color Sensor,” IEEE/SPIE Optoelectronics Global Conference (OGC), 2023. [Best Paper Award]
  2. S.-W. Ho, A. A. Saed, J.-M. Gorce, and C. S. Chen, “Sinusoidal-Based Multiple Access Scheme for Visible Light Decentralized Asynchronous Systems,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2022.
  3. T. Rexhausen, C. S. Chen, and F. Pianese, “Indoor Localization Using Multi-Color Fingerprinting,” IEEE Healthcom, 2020.
  4. T. D. Huyng, C. S. Chen, and S.-W. Ho, “Localization Method for Device-to-Device through User Movement,” IEEE ICC, Workshop on Advances in Network Localization & Navigation (ANLN), 2015.
  5. A. Nuwanpriya, S.-W. Ho, and C. S. Chen, “Indoor MIMO Visible Light Communications: Novel Angle Diversity Receivers for Mobile Users,” IEEE JSAC, 2015.

E) MAC and Sequences 

  1. F. Liu, W. S. Wong, Y.-H. Lo, Y. Zhang, C. S. Chen, and G. Xing, “Age of Information for Periodic Status Updates under Sequence Based Scheduling,” IEEE Trans. on Communications (TCOM), 2023.
  2. L. Salaun, C. S. Chen, Y. Chen, and W. S. Wong, “Constant Delivery Delay Protocol Sequences for the Collision Channel Without Feedback,” The 19th International Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 2016.
  3. K. Shum, C. S. Chen, C. W. Sung, and W. S. Wong, “Shift-Invariant Protocol Sequences for the Collision Channel Without Feedback,” IEEE Trans. on Information Theory (TIT), 2009.
  4. C. S. Chen, W. S. Wong, and Y.-Q. Song, “Constructions of Robust Protocol Sequences for Wireless Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks,” IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology (TVT), 2008.
  5. C. S. Chen and W. S. Wong, “Bandwidth Allocation for Wireless Multimedia Systems with Most Regular Sequences,” IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications (TWC), 2005.

F) SON and Distributed Algorithm  

  1. J. A. Zhang, I. B. Collings, C. S. Chen, L. Roullet, L. Luo, S.-W. Ho, and J. Yuan, “Evolving Small Cell Communications Towards Mobile-over-FTTx Networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine, 2013.
  2. I-H. Hou and C. S. Chen, “An Energy-Aware Protocol for Self-Organizing Heterogeneous LTE Systems,” IEEE JSAC, 2013.
  3. C. S. Chen, F. Baccelli, and L. Roullet, “Joint optimization of radio resources in small and macro cell networks,” IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC), 2011.
  4. C. S. Chen, K. S. Shum, and C. W. Sung, “Round-robin power control for the weighted sum rate maximization of wireless networks over multiple interfering links,” European Transactions on Telecommunications (ETT), 2011.
  5. C. S. Chen and F. Baccelli, “Self-Optimization in Mobile Cellular Networks: Power Control and User Association,” IEEE ICC, 2010.

G) System and Model

  1. Y. Shu, P. Gu, C. Adjih, C. S. Chen, and A. Serhrouchni, “DynSplit: A Dynamic Split Learning Scheme for 5G-Enpowered Metaverse,” IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing, Networking, and Applications (MetaCom), 2024.
  2. C. S. Chen, P. Keevash, W. S. Kennedy, E. de Panafieu, and A. Vetta, “Robot Positioning Using Torus Packing for Multisets,” 51st EATCS International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP), 2024.
  3. S. Li, M. Derakhshani, C. S. Chen, and S. Lambotharan, “Outage Probability Analysis for Two-antennas MISO-NOMA Downlink with Statistical CSI,” IEEE Globecom, 2019.
  4. V. M. Nguyen, C. S. Chen, and L. Thomas, “A Unified Stochastic Model of Handover Measurement in Mobile Networks,” IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking (TON), 2013.
  5. J. Ling, D. Chizhik, C. S. Chen, and R. Valenzuela, “Capacity Growth of Heterogeneous Cellular Networks,” Bell Labs Technical Journal, 2013.
  6. C. S. Chen, V. M. Nguyen, and L. Thomas, “On Small Cell Network Deployment: A Comparative Study of Random and Grid Topologies,” IEEE VTC, 2012.

Other: Book Chapter and Review Article

  1. N. Trabelsi, L. C. Fourati, and C. S. Chen, “Interference management in 5G and beyond networks,” Computer Networks, Elsevier, 2024. [arXiv]
  2. G. Niu and C. S. Chen, “Indoor and Outdoor Localization for UAVs,” Innovation in Indoor Positioning Systems, 2024. [Book Chapter]
  3. S. Mishra, Muhammad Shehzad, C. S. Chen, and L. Rose, “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in 6G,” The Road Towards 6G: Opportunities, Challenges and Applications, Springer, 2023. [Book Chapter]
  4. T. Zhang, H. Qiu, G. Castellano, M. Rifai, C. S. Chen, and F. Pianese, “System log parsing: a survey,” IEEE Trans. Knowledge & Data Engineering (TKDE), 2022.
  5. Y. Li, C. S. Chen, Y.-Q. Song, and Z. Wang, “Real-time QoS support in wireless sensor networks: a survey,” IFAC International Conference on Fieldbuses and Networks in Industrial and Embedded Systems (FeT), 2007.

Open Position

  1. There are multiple opening positions for PhD and postdoc. Some are under Nokia-Bell-Labs-INRIA common lab partnership on distributed learning and computing (
  2. Internship: Grid Coloring for Object Sensing and Localization (PDF), 2024
  3. Internship: “Machine Learning for Enhanced Mobile User Positioning in 5G and Beyond” (PDF), 2023
  4. If you are interested to pursuit an internship, PhD or Postdoc program at Bell Labs, welcome to contact me and express your motivations and research interests, possibly with a short Application Letter and your CV