
Thomas Nowak

Thomas Nowak
0  InriaNoneNoneFormer members of the LINCS

Books And Theses

Transient Behavior of Distributed Algorithms and Digital Circuit Models Comportement transitoire d'algorithmes distribués et modèles de circuits,
Thomas Nowak,


A Framework for Streaming Event-Log Prediction in Business Processes,
Benedikt Bollig, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak,
CoRR 2024
Majority Consensus Thresholds in Competitive Lotka-Volterra Populations,
Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak, Joel Rybicki,
PODC 2024, Nantes, France
Permutation Equivariant Deep Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Armed Bandit,
Zhuofan Xu, Benedikt Bollig, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak,
ICTAI 2024, Herndon, United States
Faithful Dynamic Timing Analysis of Digital Circuits Using Continuous Thresholded Mode-Switched ODEs,
Arman Ferdowsi, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak, Michael Drmota, Ulrich Schmid,
CoRR 2024
Continuity of Thresholded Mode-Switched ODEs and Digital Circuit Delay Models,
Arman Ferdowsi, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak, Ulrich Schmid,
HSCC 2023, San Antonio, United States
Synthetic Multi-cellular Circuits in Bacteria Using Engineered Phages for Cell-to-Cell Communication,
Manish Kushwaha, Abhinav Pujar, Amit Pathania, Corbin Hopper, Roman Luchko, Amir Pandi, Matthias Fuegger, Thomas Nowak,
Synthetic Biology UK 2023 2023, Bristol, United Kingdom
Topological Characterization of Task Solvability in General Models of Computation,
Hagit Attiya, Armando Castañeda, Thomas Nowak,
DISC 2023, L'Aquila, Italy
MobsPy: A Meta-species Language for Chemical Reaction Networks,
Fabricio Cravo, Matthias Függer, Thomas Nowak, Gayathri Prakash,
CMSB 2022 - International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology 2022, Bucharest, Romania
MobsPy: A Meta-species Language for Chemical Reaction Networks,
Fabricio Cravo, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak, Gayathri Prakash,
CMSB 2022
Stochastic Multi-Distribution Modeling of Inter-Contact Times,
Fabricio Cravo, Thomas Nowak,
ICOIN 2022
Time-Optimal Self-Stabilizing Leader Election in Population Protocols,
Janna Burman, Ho Lin Chen, Hsueh Ping Chen, David Doty, Thomas Nowak, Eric Severson, Chuan Xu,
PODC 2021, Virtual Event Italy, Italy
Reaching Agreement in Competitive Microbial Systems,
Victoria Andaur, Janna Burman, Matthias Fugger, Manish Kushwaha, Bilal Manssouri, Thomas Nowak, Joel Rybicki,
CoRR 2021
A Composable Glitch-Aware Delay Model,
Jurgen Maier, Daniel Ohlinger, Ulrich Schmid, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak,
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2021, Virtual Event, United States
Valency-Based Consensus Under Message Adversaries Without Limit-Closure,
Kyrill Winkler, Ulrich Schmid, Thomas Nowak,
FCT 2021
Towards a Fast and Accurate Model of Intercontact Times for Epidemic Routing,
Fabricio Cravo, Thomas Nowak,
CoRR 2021
A Faithful Binary Circuit Model with Adversarial Noise,
Matthias Fugger, Jurgen Maier, Robert Najvirt, Thomas Nowak, Ulrich Schmid,
CoRR 2020, Dresden, Germany
Clock Synchronization with Exponential Smoothing for Dynamic Networks,
Sirajo Abdullahi Bakura, Alain Lambert, Thomas Nowak,
CISS 2020
Clock Synchronization with Adaptive Weight Factor for Mobile Networks,
Sirajo Abdullahi Bakura, Alain Lambert, Thomas Nowak,
MED 2020
Byzantine Approximate Agreement on Graphs,
Thomas Nowak, Joel Rybicki,
DISC 2019, Budapest, Hungary
Topological Characterization of Consensus under General Message Adversaries,
Thomas Nowak, Ulrich Schmid, Kyrill Winkler,
PODC 2019, Toronto, Canada
Transistor-Level Analysis of Dynamic Delay Models,
Jurgen Maier, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak, Ulrich Schmid,
ASYNC 2019, Hirosaki, Japan
Fast Multidimensional Asymptotic and Approximate Consensus,
Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak,
DISC 2018, New Orleans, United States
Pulse Synchronization for Vehicular Networks,
Cheng Yu Han, Thomas Nowak, Alain Lambert,
Intelligent Vehicles Symposium 2018, Chang-Shu, China
Brief Announcement: Lower Bounds for Asymptotic Consensus in Dynamic Networks,
Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak , Manfred Schwarz,
DISC 2017, Vienna, Austria
Lower Bounds for Asymptotic Consensus in Dynamic Networks,
Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak , Manfred Schwarz,
CoRR 2017
Multidimensional Asymptotic Consensus in Dynamic Networks,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak ,
CoRR 2016
Fast, Robust, Quantizable Approximate Consensus,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak ,
ICALP 2016, Rome, Italy
Diffusive clock synchronization in highly dynamic networks,
Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak , Bernadette Charron Bost,
CISS 2015, Baltimore, United States
Experimental Validation of a Faithful Binary Circuit Model,
Robert Najvirt, Ulrich Schmid, Michael Hofbauer, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak , Kurt Schweiger,
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2015, Pittsburgh, United States
Asymptotic Consensus Without Self-Confidence,
Thomas Nowak ,
54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2015) 2015, Osaka, Japan
Approximate Consensus in Highly Dynamic Networks: The Role of Averaging Algorithms,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak ,
ICALP 2015, Kyoto, Japan
Towards binary circuit models that faithfully capture physical solvability,
Matthias Fugger, Robert Najvirt, Thomas Nowak , Ulrich Schmid,
DATE 2015, Grenoble, France
A Proof of the Convergence of the Hegselmann-Krause Dynamics on the Circle,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak ,
CoRR 2015
Amortized Averaging Algorithms for Approximate Consensus,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak ,
CoRR 2015
An Overview of Transience Bounds in Max-Plus Algebra,
Thomas Nowak, Bernadette Charron Bost,
CoRR 2014
Approximate Consensus in Highly Dynamic Networks,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak,
CoRR 2014
Faithful Glitch Propagation in Binary Circuit Models,
Matthias Fugger, Robert Najvirt, Thomas Nowak, Ulrich Schmid,
CoRR 2014
New transience bounds for long walks in weighted digraphs,
Bernadette Charron-Bost, Matthias Függer, Thomas Nowak,
Eurocomb 2013 2013, Pise, Italy
Transience Bounds for Distributed Algorithms,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak,
FORMATS 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina
General Transience Bounds in Tropical Linear Algebra via Nachtigall Decomposition,
Bernadette Charron-Bost, Thomas Nowak,
TROPICAL-12 - International Workshop Tropical and Idempotent Mathematics 2012, Moscou, Russian Federation
Brief Announcement: The Degrading Effect of Forgetting on a Synchronizer,
Matthias Fugger, Alexander Kossler, Thomas Nowak, Martin Zeiner,
SSS 2012, Toronto, Canada
New Transience Bounds for Long Walks,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak,
CoRR 2012
On the Transience of Linear Max-Plus Dynamical Systems,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak,
CoRR 2011

Journal articles

Phage-mediated intercellular CRISPRi for biocomputation in bacterial consortia,
Abhinav Pujar, Amit Pathania, Corbin Hopper, Amir Pandi, Cristian Ruiz Calderón, Matthias Függer, Thomas Nowak, Manish Kushwaha,
Nucleic Acids Research 2024
An Allee-based distributed algorithm for microbial whole-cell sensors,
Fabricio Cravo, Matthias Függer, Thomas Nowak,
npj Systems Biology and Applications 2024
Topological Characterization of Consensus in Distributed Systems,
Thomas Nowak, Ulrich Schmid, Kyrill Winkler,
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 2024
Distributed computation with continual population growth,
Da Jung Cho, Matthias Fugger, Corbin Hopper, Manish Kushwaha, Thomas Nowak, Quentin Soubeyran,
Distributed Computing 2022
Escape Path Obstacle-Based Mobility Model (EPOM) for Campus Delay-Tolerant Network,
Sirajo Abdullahi Bakura, Alain Lambert, Thomas Nowak,
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2021
New bounds on the periodicity transient of the powers of a tropical matrix: Using cyclicity and factor rank,
Arthur Kennedy-Cochran-Patrick, Glenn Merlet, Thomas Nowak, Sergeĭ Sergeev,
Linear Algebra and its Applications 2021
Tight Bounds for Asymptotic and Approximate Consensus,
Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak, Manfred Schwarz,
Journal of the ACM (JACM) 2021
On the Tightness of Bounds for Transients and Weak CSR Expansions in Max-Plus Algebra,
Glenn Merlet, Thomas Nowak, Sergei Sergeev,
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 2021
Data collection in population protocols with non-uniformly random scheduler,
Chuan Xu, Joffroy Beauquier, Janna Burman, Shay Kutten, Thomas Nowak,
Theoretical Computer Science 2020
On the radius of nonsplit graphs and information dissemination in dynamic networks,
Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak, Kyrill Winkler,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 2020
A Faithful Binary Circuit Model,
Matthias Fugger, Robert Najvirt, Thomas Nowak, Ulrich Schmid,
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems 2020
New transience bounds for max-plus linear systems,
Bernadette Charron Bost, Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak ,
Discrete Applied Mathematics 2017
Determination of tolerance limits for the reliability of semiconductor devices using longitudinal data,
Vera Hofer, Johannes Leitner, Horst Lewitschnig, Thomas Nowak ,
Qual. Reliab. Eng. Int. 2017
Unfaithful Glitch Propagation in Existing Binary Circuit Models,
Matthias Fugger, Thomas Nowak , Ulrich Schmid,
IEEE Transactions on Computers 2016
The effect of forgetting on the performance of a synchronizer,
Matthias Fugger, Alexander Kossler, Thomas Nowak , Ulrich Schmid, Martin Zeiner,
Performance Evaluation 2015
Fast symbolic computation of the worst-case delay in tandem networks and applications,
Anne Bouillard , Thomas Nowak ,
Performance Evaluation 2015
Weak CSR expansions and transience bounds in max-plus algebra,
Glenn Merlet, Thomas Nowak, Sergei Sergeev,
Linear Algebra and its Applications 2014
Generalizations of bounds on the index of convergence to weighted digraphs,
Glenn Merlet, Thomas Nowak, Hans Schneider, Sergei Sergeev,
Discret. Appl. Math. 2014, Los Angeles, United States
On stabilizing volatile product returns,
Thomas Nowak, Vera Hofer,
Eur. J. Oper. Res. 2014
On the performance of a retransmission-based synchronizer,
Thomas Nowak, Matthias Fugger, Alexander Kossler,
Theor. Comput. Sci. 2013, Gdansk, Poland
Boundary constrained external network power system state estimation,
Kenneth Geisler, Thomas Nowak,
Proc. IEEE 1987


Digital Circuit Design for Biological and Silicon Computers,
Matthias Függer, Manish Kushwaha, Thomas Nowak,


A synthetic communication system uncovers extracellular immunity that self-limits bacteriophage transmission,
Amit Pathania, Corbin Hopper, Amir Pandi, Matthias Függer, Thomas Nowak, Manish Kushwaha,