Is It Possible to Predict Human Perception of Video Quality? The Assessment of Sencogi Quality Metric,
Maria Laura Mele, Silvia Colabrese, Luca Calabria, Christiaan Erik Rijnders,
HCI 2020
The Assessment of Sencogi: A Visual Complexity Model Predicting Visual Fixations,
Maria Laura Mele, Silvia Colabrese, Luca Calabria, Damon Millar, Christiaan Erik Rijnders,
HCI 2019
Learning-based approach to boost detection rate and localisation accuracy in single molecule localisation microscopy,
Silvia Colabrese, Marco Castello, Giuseppe Vicidomini, Alessio Del Bue,
ICIP 2016
Aggregation of Statistical Data from Passive Probes: Techniques and Best Practices,
Silvia Colabrese, Dario Rossi ■, Marco Mellia,
TMA 2014, London, United Kingdom
Scalable Accurate Consolidation of Passively Measured Statistical Data,
Silvia Colabrese, Dario Rossi ■, Marco Mellia,
PAM 2014, Los Angeles, United States
Low complexity, high performance neuro-fuzzy system for Internet traffic flows early classification,
Antonello Rizzi, Silvia Colabrese ■, Andrea Baiocchi,
IWCMC 2013