
Natalya Rozhnova

Natalya Rozhnova
0  Nokia Bell Labs4C41 flexi🏠Associate members of the LINCS

Congestion control for Content-Centric Networking Contrôle de congestion pour les réseaux orientés contenu,
Natalya Rozhnova ,


Demo Abstract: Transparent Remote Connectivity to Bluetooth Low Energy Devices,
Natalya Rozhnova , Vincent Verdot,
INFOCOM Workshops 2019
Application-agnostic remote access for Bluetooth Low Energy,
Natalya Rozhnova , Marc-Olivier Buob , Richard Douville,
INFOCOM Workshops 2018
Leveraging ICN In-network Control for Loss Detection and Recovery in Wireless Mobile networks,
Giovanna Carofiglio , Luca Muscariello , Michele Papalini, Natalya Rozhnova , Xuan Zeng ,
ICN 2016, kyoto, Japan
An extended Hop-by-hop Interest shaping mechanism for Content-Centric Networking,
Natalya Rozhnova , Serge Fdida ,
IEEE GLOBECOM 2014 2014, Austin, Texas, United States
An effective hop-by-hop Interest shaping mechanism for CCN communications,
Natalya Rozhnova , Serge Fdida ,
INFOCOM Workshops 2012, Orlando, Florida, United States

Journal article

An improved hop-by-hop interest shaper for congestion control in named data networking,
Yaogong Wang, Natalya Rozhnova , Ashok Narayanan, David Oran, Injong Rhee,
Comput. Commun. Rev. 2013, Hong Kong, China