Digital twin-driven focal modulation-based convolutional network for intelligent fault diagnosis,
Sheng Li, Qiubo Jiang, Yadong Xu, Ke Feng ■, Yulin Wang, Beibei Sun, Xiaoan Yan, Xin Sheng, Ke Zhang, Qing Ni,
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 2023
IFD-MDCN: Multibranch denoising convolutional networks with improved flow direction strategy for intelligent fault diagnosis of rolling bearings under noisy conditions,
Sheng Li, Jinchen Ji, Yadong Xu, Xiuquan Sun, Ke Feng ■, Beibei Sun, Yulin Wang, Fengshou Gu, Ke Zhang, Qing Ni,
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 2023
Joint Threshold Learning Convolutional Networks for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis Under Nonstationary Conditions,
Sheng Li, Yadong Xu, Ke Feng ■, Yulin Wang, Beibei Sun, Xiaoan Yan, Xin Sheng, Ke Zhang, Jinde Zheng, Qing Ni,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
A Systematic Review on Imbalanced Learning Methods in Intelligent Fault Diagnosis,
Zhijun Ren, Tantao Lin, Ke Feng ■, Yongsheng Zhu, Zheng Liu, Ke Yan,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
Predicted Mean Vote of Subway Car Environment Based on Machine Learning,
Kangkang Huang, Shihua Lu, Xinjun Li, Ke Feng ■, Weiwei Chen, Yi Xia,
Big Data Min. Anal. 2023
Integrated intelligent fault diagnosis approach of offshore wind turbine bearing based on information stream fusion and semi-supervised learning,
Yongchao Zhang, Kun Yu, Zihao Lei, Jian Ge, Yadong Xu, Zhixiong Li, Zhaohui Ren, Ke Feng ■,
Expert Syst. Appl. 2023
A Synchronous Holo-Balancing Method for Flexible Rotors Based on the Modified Initial Phase Vector,
Zihao Lei, Hongming Chen, Guangrui Wen, Ke Feng ■, Zheng Liu, Ruqiang Yan, Xuefeng Chen,
Inf. Fusion 2023
Optimal symbolic entropy: An adaptive feature extraction algorithm for condition monitoring of bearings,
Chunyun Li, Khandaker Noman, Zheng Liu, Ke Feng ■, Yongbo Li,
Inf. Fusion 2023
Non-contact diagnosis for gearbox based on the fusion of multi-sensor heterogeneous data,
Dingyi Sun, Yongbo Li, Sixiang Jia, Ke Feng ■, Zheng Liu,
Inf. Fusion 2023
CFCNN: A novel convolutional fusion framework for collaborative fault identification of rotating machinery,
Yadong Xu, Ke Feng ■, Xiaoan Yan, Ruqiang Yan, Qing Ni, Beibei Sun, Zihao Lei, Yongchao Zhang, Zheng Liu,
Inf. Fusion 2023
LncTarD 2.0: an updated comprehensive database for experimentally-supported functional lncRNA-target regulations in human diseases,
Hongying Zhao, Xiangzhe Yin, Haotian Xu, Kailai Liu, Wangyang Liu, Lixia Wang, Caiyu Zhang, Lin Bo, Xicheng Lan, Shihua Lin, Ke Feng ■, Shangwei Ning, Yunpeng Zhang, Li Wang,
Nucleic Acids Res. 2023
A two-phase-based deep neural network for simultaneous health monitoring and prediction of rolling bearings,
Rui Bai, Khandaker Noman, Ke Feng ■, Zhike Peng, Yongbo Li,
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 2023
Global contextual multiscale fusion networks for machine health state identification under noisy and imbalanced conditions,
Yadong Xu, Xiaoan Yan, Ke Feng ■, Yongchao Zhang, Xiaoli Zhao, Beibei Sun, Zheng Liu,
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 2023
Digital twin-driven partial domain adaptation network for intelligent fault diagnosis of rolling bearing,
Yongchao Zhang, Jinchen Ji, Zhaohui Ren, Qing Ni, Fengshou Gu, Ke Feng ■, Kun Yu, Jian Ge, Zihao Lei, Zheng Liu,
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 2023
Data-Driven Prognostic Scheme for Bearings Based on a Novel Health Indicator and Gated Recurrent Unit Network,
Qing Ni, Jinchen Ji, Ke Feng ■,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 2023
Modified Varying Index Coefficient Autoregression Model for Representation of the Nonstationary Vibration From a Planetary Gearbox,
Yuejian Chen, Meng Rao, Ke Feng ■, Gang Niu,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
Intelligent Suppression of Non-Maneuvering Magnetic Interference of Aeromagnetic UAV,
Jian Ge, Wei Xu, Xiangyun Hu, Tao Wu, Ke Feng ■, Yongchao Zhang, Haobin Dong, Hong Yu, Jing Zhu, Zheng Liu,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
High-Precision Electrical Determination and Correction of Attitude Deviation for the Coil Vector Magnetometer,
Jian Ge, Jing Zhu, Xiangyun Hu, Wei Xu, Ke Feng ■, Yongchao Zhang, Wang Luo, Penghui Li, Haobin Dong, Zheng Liu,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
Multioperator Morphological Undecimated Wavelet for Wheelset Bearing Compound Fault Detection,
Yifan Li, Ke Feng ■, Yuejian Chen, Zaigang Chen,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
WavCapsNet: An Interpretable Intelligent Compound Fault Diagnosis Method by Backward Tracking,
Weihua Li, Hao Lan, Junbin Chen, Ke Feng ■, Ruyi Huang,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
Data Modeling Techniques for Pipeline Integrity Assessment: A State-of-the-Art Survey,
Jiatong Ling, Ke Feng ■, Teng Wang, Min Liao, Chunsheng Yang, Zheng Liu,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
Generative Adversarial Network With Dual Multiscale Feature Fusion for Data Augmentation in Fault Diagnosis,
Zhijun Ren, Jinchen Ji, Yongsheng Zhu, Jun Hong, Ke Feng ■,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
Few-Shot GAN: Improving the Performance of Intelligent Fault Diagnosis in Severe Data Imbalance,
Zhijun Ren, Yongsheng Zhu, Zheng Liu, Ke Feng ■,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
A Multidimensional Data Fusion Neural Network for Damage Localization Using Ultrasonic Guided Wave,
Hongguang Yun, Ke Feng ■, Rakiba Rayhana, Shashank Pant, Marc Genest, Zheng Liu,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2023
TradeBot: Bandit learning for hyper-parameters optimization of high frequency trading strategy,
Weipeng Zhang, Lu Wang, Liang Xie, Ke Feng ■, Xiang Liu,
Pattern Recognit. 2022
Attention-based multiscale denoising residual convolutional neural networks for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery,
Yadong Xu, Xiaoan Yan, Ke Feng ■, Xin Sheng, Beibei Sun, Zheng Liu,
Reliab. Eng. Syst. Saf. 2022
TS-SHES: Terrain Segmentation in Complex-Valued PolSAR Images Via Scattering Harmonization and Explicit Supervision,
Xuan Zeng, Zhirui Wang, Ke Feng ■, Xin Gao, Xian Sun,
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens. 2022
MMFNet: Multisensor Data and Multiscale Feature Fusion Model for Intelligent Cross-Domain Machinery Fault Diagnosis,
Yongchao Zhang, Ke Feng ■, Hui Ma, Kun Yu, Zhaohui Ren, Zheng Liu,
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas. 2022
An Efficient Ciphertext Retrieval Scheme Based on Homomorphic Encryption for Multiple Data Owners in Hybrid Cloud,
Heng He, Renju Chen, Chengyu Liu, Ke Feng ■, Xiaohu Zhou,
IEEE Access 2021
Graph Pattern Matching: Capturing Bisimilar Subgraph,
Rui Qiao, Ke Feng ■, Heng He, Xiaolei Zhong,
Int. J. Pattern Recognit. Artif. Intell. 2021
Joint Spatial-Propagation Modeling of Cellular Networks Based on the Directional Radii of Poisson Voronoi Cells,
Ke Feng ■, Martin Haenggi,
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 2021
The SINR Meta Distribution in Poisson Cellular Networks,
Ke Feng ■, Martin Haenggi,
IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 2021
ENdb: a manually curated database of experimentally supported enhancers for human and mouse,
Xuefeng Bai, Shanshan Shi, Bo Ai, Yong Jiang, Yuejuan Liu, Xiaole Han, Mingcong Xu, Qi Pan, Fan Wang, Qiuyu Wang, Jian Zhang, Xuecang Li, Chenchen Feng, Yanyu Li, Yuezhu Wang, Yiwei Song, Ke Feng, Chunquan Li,
Nucleic Acids Res. 2020
Separability, Asymptotics, and Applications of the SIR Meta Distribution in Cellular Networks,
Ke Feng, Martin Haenggi,
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun. 2020
A Location-Dependent Base Station Cooperation Scheme for Cellular Networks,
Ke Feng, Martin Haenggi,
IEEE Trans. Commun. 2019
On the Location-Dependent SIR Gain in Cellular Networks,
Ke Feng, Martin Haenggi,
IEEE Wirel. Commun. Lett. 2019
Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Under Speed Fluctuation Condition Based on Vold-Kalman Filter and RCMFE,
Yongbo Li, Yu Wei, Ke Feng, Xianzhi Wang, Zhenbao Liu,
IEEE Access 2018
Singularity avoidance of 6R decoupled manipulator using improved Gaussian distribution damped reciprocal algorithm,
Hong Xin Cui, Ke Feng, Huan Liang Li, Jin Hua Han,
Ind. Robot 2017
A 64-Channel Transmitter for Investigating Parallel Transmit MRI,
Ke Feng, Neal Hollingsworth, Mary Mcdougall, Steven Wright,
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 2012
Changes in cytosolic magnesium levels can regulate the activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in maize,
Stefan Martin Hanstein, Xiaozhi Wang, Xiaoqing Qian, Peter Friedhoff, Ammara Fatima, Yuhua Shan, Ke Feng, Sven Schubert,
Biochemical Journal 2011