Decentralized payment clearing using blockchain and optimal bidding,
Hamed Amini, Maxim Bichuch, Zachary Feinstein,
Eur. J. Oper. Res. 2023
Optimal network compression,
Hamed Amini, Zachary Feinstein,
Eur. J. Oper. Res. 2023
A Dynamic Contagion Risk Model with Recovery Features,
Hamed Amini, Andreea Minca, Agnes Sulem,
Mathematics of Operations Research 2022
Epidemic Spreading and Equilibrium Social Distancing in Heterogeneous Networks,
Hamed Amini, Andreea Minca,
Dyn. Games Appl. 2022
Systemic Risk in Networks with a Central Node,
Hamed Amini, Damir Filipovic, Andreea Minca,
SIAM J. Financial Math. 2020
Optimal equity infusions in interbank networks,
Hamed Amini, Andreea Minca, Agnès Sulem,
Journal of Financial Stability 2017
Resilience to Contagion in Financial Networks,
Hamed Amini, Rama Cont, Andreea Minca,
Mathematical Finance 2016
Inhomogeneous Financial Networks and Contagious Links,
Hamed Amini, Andreea Minca,
Oper. Res. 2016
To Fully Net or Not to Net: Adverse Effects of Partial Multilateral Netting,
Hamed Amini, Damir Filipovic, Andreea Minca,
Oper. Res. 2016
Uniqueness of equilibrium in a payment system with liquidation costs,
Hamed Amini, Damir Filipovic, Andreea Minca,
Oper. Res. Lett. 2016
Control of Interbank Contagion Under Partial Information,
Hamed Amini, Andreea Minca, Agnes Sulem,
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics 2015
The diameter of weighted random graphs,
Hamed Amini, Marc Lelarge ■,
Annals of Applied Probability 2015
Shortest-Weight Paths in Random Regular Graphs,
Hamed Amini, Yuval Peres,
SIAM J. Discret. Math. 2014
Flooding in Weighted Sparse Random Graphs,
Hamed Amini, Moez Draief, Marc Lelarge ■,
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2013
Stress testing the resilience of financial networks,
Hamed Amini, Rama Cont, Andreea Minca,
International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 2012
Upper Deviations for Split Times of Branching Processes,
Hamed Amini, Marc Lelarge ■,
J. Appl. Probab. 2012
Modeling Inverse Demand Function with Explainable Dual Neural Networks,
Zhiyu Cao, Zihan Chen, Prerna Mishra, Hamed Amini, Zachary Feinstein,
CoRR 2023
The Default Cascade Process in Stochastic Financial Networks,
Hamed Amini, Zhongyuan Cao, Agnes Sulem,
Graphon Mean-Field Backward Stochastic Differential Equations With Jumps and Associated Dynamic Risk Measures,
Hamed Amini, Zhongyuan Cao, Agnès Sulem,
Fire Sales, Default Cascades and Complex Financial Networks,
Hamed Amini, Zhongyuan Cao, Agnes Sulem,
Limit Theorems for Default Contagion and Systemic Risk,
Hamed Amini, Zhongyuan Cao, Agnès Sulem,
A Central Limit Theorem for Diffusion in Sparse Random Graphs,
Hamed Amini, Erhan Bayraktar, Suman Chakraborty,
CoRR 2021
Pandemic Risks and Equilibrium Social Distancing in Heterogeneous Networks,
Hamed Amini, Andreea Minca,
CoRR 2020
Including Physics in Deep Learning - An example from 4D seismic pressure saturation inversion,
Jesper Soren Dramsch, Gustavo Corte, Hamed Amini, Colin Macbeth, Mikael Luthje,
CoRR 2019
Optimal Marketing Policy in a Random Network,
Hamed Amini, Marc Lelarge,
CoRR 2008