Frédéric Morlot
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A population model based on a Poisson line tessellation, Frédéric Morlot ■, WiOpt'12: Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks 2012, Paderborn, Germany |
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Risk-hedging using options for upgrading investments in mobile networks, Frédéric Morlot ■, Salah Eddine Elayoubi, Thomas Redon, VALUETOOLS 2012 |
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Social Event Detection in Massive Mobile Phone Data Using Probabilistic Location Inference, Vincent Traag, Arnaud Browet, Francesco Calabrese, Frédéric Morlot ■, SocialCom/PASSAT 2011 |
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An Interaction-Based Mobility Model for Dynamic Hot Spot Analysis, Frédéric Morlot, Salah Eddine Elayoubi, François Baccelli, INFOCOM 2010 |
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Optimizing the Date of an Upgrading Investment in a Data Network, Frédéric Morlot, Benoit Fourestie, Salah Eddine Elayoubi, VTC Fall 2007, United States |
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On the Cooperation Between 3G and 2G Systems, Luca Sartori, Salah Eddine Elayoubi, Frédéric Morlot, Benoit Fourestie, VTC Fall 2007 |
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Data for Development: the D4D Challenge on Mobile Phone Data, Vincent Blondel, Markus Esch, Connie Chan, Fabrice Clerot, Pierre Deville, Etienne Huens, Frédéric Morlot ■, Zbigniew Smoreda, Cezary Ziemlicki, CoRR 2012 |
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Risk-hedging using options for an upgrading investment in a data network, Frédéric Morlot ■, Thomas Redon, Salah Eddine Elayoubi, 2011 |