Dohy Hong
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S-Beacon: Next generation BLE beacon solution for enhanced personalization, Dojun Byun, Jaeweon Cho, Sang Jun Moon, Dohy Hong, ICCE 2016 |
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HTTP Adaptive Streaming in Mobile Networks: Characteristics and Caching Opportunities, Ali Gouta, Dohy Hong ■, Anne Marie Kermarrec, Yannick Le Louedec, MASCOTS 2013, San Francisco, United States |
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Large scale analysis of HTTP Adaptive Streaming in mobile networks, Ali Gouta, Charles Hong, Dohy Hong ■, Anne Marie Kermarrec, Yannick Le Louedec, WOWMOM 2013, Madrid, Spain |
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Large scale analysis of HTTP Adaptive Streaming over the Mobile Networks, Nathalie Amann, Ali Gouta, Dohy Hong ■, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Yannick Le Louedec, 15èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel) 2013, Pornic, France |
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Improved caching for HTTP-based Video on Demand using Scalable Video Coding, Yago Sanchez, Thomas Schierl, Cornelius Hellge, Thomas Wiegand, Dohy Hong, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Werner Van Leekwijck, Yannick Le Louedec, CCNC 2011 |
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iDASH: improved dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP using scalable video coding, Yago Sanchez De La Fuente, Thomas Schierl, Cornelius Hellge, Thomas Wiegand, Dohy Hong, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Werner Van Leekwijck, Yannick Le Louedec, MMSys 2011 |
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A chunk-based caching algorithm for streaming video, Dohy Hong, Danny De Vleeschauwer, François Baccelli, NET-COOP 2010 - 4th Workshop on Network Control and Optimization 2010, Gent, Belgium |
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Automatic Network Services Aligned with Grid Application Requirements in CARRIOCAS Project, Dominique Verchere, Olivier Audouin, Bela Berde, Agostino Chiosi, Richard Douville, Helia Pouyllau, Pascale Vicat Blanc Primet, Marcelo Pasin, Sebastien Soudan, Thierry Marcot, Veronique Piperaud, Remi Theillaud, Dohy Hong, Dominique Barth, Christian Cadere, Vincent Reinhart, Joanna Tomasik, GridNets 2008, Beijing, China |
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Flow Level Simulation of Large IP Networks, François Baccelli, Dohy Hong, INFOCOM 2003 |
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A.I.M.D., Fairness and Fractal Scaling of TCP Traffic, François Baccelli, Dohy Hong, INFOCOM 2002 |
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TCP is max-plus linear: and what tells us on its throughput, François Baccelli, Dohy Hong, SIGCOMM 2000 |
Journal articles
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Efficient HTTP-based streaming using Scalable Video Coding, Yago Sanchez De La Fuente, Thomas Schierl, Cornelius Hellge, Thomas Wiegand, Dohy Hong, Danny De Vleeschauwer, Werner Van Leekwijck, Yannick Le Louedec, Signal Process. Image Commun. 2012 |
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NetScale: scalable time-stepped hybrid simulation of large IP networks, Laurent Fournie, Dohy Hong, Florent Perisse, Comput. Commun. Rev. 2006 |
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Interaction of TCP flows as billiards, François Baccelli, Dohy Hong, IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 2005 |