Speaker : | Giovanni Pau |
UPMC (LIP6) | |
Date: | 06/03/2013 |
Time: | 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm |
Location: | LINCS Meeting Room 40 |
In near future, a car will be equipped with a variety sensors and wireless interfaces such as 3G/LTE, WiMAX, WiFi, or DSRC/WAVE. Our vision is to enable vehicles to communicate with each other and with the infrastructure over any and all physical communication channels, as soon as any channel comes into existence and as long as it is available. Although over the years many research papers have been published for automotive research, in reality by and large today’s vehicles are connected only through cellular networks to centralized servers. Automotive research such as ad-hoc networking and delay tolerant networking are still far from completion and less likely to deploy. We believe the root cause of this insoluble problem in networking vehicles is IP’s communication model, where IP creates its own name space, the IP address space, assigns IP addresses to every communicating end point, and then encapsulates each piece of application data into an IP packet. This whole process
insulates applications from data delivery layer. Taking the named-data networking (NDN) as the starting point, we are developing V-NDN, a
single framework to realize our vision. NDN identifies named data as the focal point in communication. Utilizing the fact that all data communications
happen within established application context, and that nodes running the same applications decide what data they want to get, NDN lets individual
nodes to request the desired data using application data names directly. Data names are from applications, they identify data directly; they exist once
applications are running, independent from time-varying connectivity in an ad hoc environment. This enable data to exist in the absence of connectivity, and to be exchanged over any physical connectivity once it comes into existence.We have designed and developed V-NDN and demonstrated that our design indeed allowed vehicles to utilize all available channels to communicate; they can effectively communicate with
centralized servers as well as with each other to exchange application data in completely ad hoc manner. In this talk we will go over the design
choices and the preliminary results from our deployment.