On the design of architectures and algorithms to support content-oriented functionalities in high speed network equipments

Speaker : Diego Perino
Alcatel Lucent
Date: 27/02/2013
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: LINCS Meeting Room 40


The integration of content oriented functionalities in network equipments is of critical importance for the deployment of future content delivery infrastructures. However, as todayu2019s high-speed network equipments are mostly designed to carry traffic from one location of the network to another by means of IP address information, this integration imposes severe changes to hardware and software technologies. In this talk we focus on system design and evaluation of the basic building blocks enabling content-oriented communication primitives in network equipments. Specifically, we present challenges and solutions to realize name-based forwarding, packet-level storage management and content-based temporary state at high speed. Finally, we briefly introduce our on-going work on the implementation of our solutions on high-speed hardware and software platforms, and on the evolution of our designs to support enhanced content-oriented mechanisms.