Speaker : | Pierre Popineau |
Inria | |
Date: | 14/06/2023 |
Time: | 2:00 pm - 5:30 pm |
Location: | Amphi Rose Dieng |
Thanks to the new paradigms introduced in the latest generation of wireless networks, expectations concerning service time, latency and network performance have increased. To model such networks, point process theory and stochastic geometry have proven to be useful as they provide a versatile and robust framework to obtain results when working with such wireless networks. Adding to this Markov dynamics to model connections and service times completes this framework to analyze such wireless networks. The first contribution of the work presented in this thesis lies in the analysis of service differentiation: 5G NR networks have introduced bandwidth partitioning as a tool to increase network performance. Under this network setup, not all users interfere with each other with the same power: users transmitting with a broader transmitting frequency spectrum will have a larger bandwidth, but they will also encounter more interference from the other users in the network. In contrast, users with a narrower spectrum will experience less interference. We define a Markovian framework to study such a multiclass spatial birth-and-death process, and we describe its stability region. For such systems, properties of the stationary regime are analyzed, such as moment measures or statistical clustering, leading to a better understanding of these dynamics. The second problem we look into is mobility, which has become an important feature in wireless networks due to the use of highly directional antennas. Using a simple architecture for a two-tier cellular network, we study two families of association policies: a first family which only relies on user mobility, and the second offers a trade-off between network geometry and user mobility to increase network performance. These policies are then compared to a classical max-power association policy to assert their performance.