Named-Object Based Services in the Future Internet Architecture

Speaker : Francesco Bronizo
Date: 01/03/2017
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: LINCS Meeting Room 40


After many years of constant evolution, the Internet has approached a historic inflection point where mobile platforms, applications and services are poised to replace the fixed-host/server model that has dominated the Internet since its inception. Driven by the strikingly different Internet population of mobile devices and services, new fundamental communication abstractions are required and the current IP based Internet fails to meet their requirement in a satisfying fashion. Starting from these key considerations, this talk aims to introduce the audience to a new approach to networking, that centers around the central architectural concept of Named-Object based networking and the power that lies behind it. Looking at the different architectures presented over the years, a set of new fundamental abstractions are defined, providing a comprehensive analysis of their properties and how they could be met. This study leads to the presentation of the MobilityFirst architecture in which the “narrow waist” of the protocol stack is based on Named-Objects which enable a broad range of capabilities in the network.As an example of the potential of the Named-Object abstraction, an analysis of how advanced cloud services can be supported in the proposed architecture is presented. In particular, the concept of naming is extended to natively support virtual network identifiers. It is shown that the virtual network capability can be designed by introducing the concept of a “Virtual Network Identifier (VNID)” which is managed as a Named-Object. Further, the design supports the concept of Application Specific Routing (ASR) which enables network routing decisions to be made with awareness of application parameters such as cloud server workload. Experimental results show that the new framework provides a clean and simple logic for defining and managing virtual networks while limiting the performance impact produced by the additional overhead generated by running such system. Moreover, using a prototype of the architecture deployed on a nation-wide testbed, the potential of ASR is demonstrated in a cloud service scenario.