Doctoral Training Centre

Funded by the EIT ICT Labs and hosted by the LINCS, the Doctoral Training Centre (DTC) gathers PhD students interested in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (I&E) in the field of Internet technologies. It provides to each PhD student:

During the PhD thesis

  • a high-level I&E education program, including courses and summer schools,
  • the LINCS facilities for research, innovation and collaborations, including seminars and reading groups,
  • funding for long-term visits (up to 6 months) in European universities and industrial labs.

After the PhD defense

  • funding, including the salary, for business development in a company or an incubator (6 months).

Upon completion of the whole program, a certificate from the EIT ICT Labs is awarded to complement the PhD degree.


Any PhD student can apply, preferably in the first or second year of her/his thesis, provided:

  • the university is a partner of EIT ICT Labs (e.g., UPMC, Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Sud),
  • the focus of the PhD thesis is on Internet technologies at large (including networking, cloud computing, smart grids, etc.),
  • the PhD thesis is partly supervised by an industrial partner (e.g., through a CIFRE contract or a collaborative project).

There are 2-3 calls for application per year, see the EIT ICT Labs Doctoral School Web site.


The Doctoral Training Centre is supported by:


For more details, please contact the DTC manager Fabienne Lassausaie,