Utility-maximising properties of some service-rates allocations in wireless communication networks

Speaker : Vsevolod Shneer
Heriot-Watt University
Date: 13/11/2019
Time: 2:00 pm
Location: Doctoral Training Center (EIT Digital)


We consider wireless communication networks where service rates of nodes depend the loads of their neighbours. We demonstrate that these rates are utility-maximising in a certain sense. Using this observation, we prove stability of single-hop networks under natural assumptions. We also obtain bounds on some moments of the stationary workload.

In order to obtain these results, we consider a framework of utility-optimising rate allocations which is much more general than the well-known $\alpha$-fairness, and prove general results on stability and bounds for some stationary workload distributions in networks with these rate allocations.

We also discuss stability of infinite networks.

This is a joint work with Sasha Stolyar (UIUC).


Vsevolod “Seva” Shneer is a professor at Heriot-Watt University (Edimburg, Scotland)