Optimal Geographic Caching in Cellular Networks

Speaker : Anastasios Giovanidis
Telecom ParisTech
Date: 01/04/2015
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: LINCS Meeting Room 40


We consider the problem of an optimal geographic placement of content in wireless cellular networks modelled by Poisson point processes. Specifically, for the typical user requesting some particular content and whose popularity follows a given law (e.g. Zipf), we calculate the probability of finding the content cached in one of the base stations. Wireless coverage follows the usual signal-to-interference-and noise ratio (SINR) model, or some variants of it. We formulate and solve the problem of an optimal randomized content placement policy, to maximize the user’s hit probability. The result dictates that it is not always optimal to follow the standard policy “cache the most popular content, everywhere”. In fact, our numerical results regarding three different coverage scenarios, show that the optimal policy significantly increases the chances of hit under high-coverage regime, i.e., when the probabilities of coverage by more than just one station are high enough.