Lattice network codes based on Barnes-Wall lattices

Speaker : Kenneth Shum
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Institute of Network Coding
Date: 24/02/2016
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Location: LINCS Meeting Room 40


Abstract: Lattice network coding is employed in physical-layer network coding, with applications to two-way relay networks and multiple-access channels. The receiver wants to compute a linear combination of the source symbols, which are drawn from a finite alphabet equipped with some algebraic structure. In this talk, we construct lattice network codes from lattices such as the E8 lattice and the Barnes-Wall lattice, which have the best known packing density and shaping gain in dimension 8 and 16, respectively. Simulation results demonstrate that there is a significant performance gain in comparison to the baseline lattice network code with hyper-cube shaping.
Biography: Kenneth Shum received the B.Eng. degree in Information Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1993, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from University of Southern California in 1995 and 2000 respectively. He is now a research fellow in the Institute of Network Coding, CUHK. His research interests include information theory, coding theory and cooperative communication in wireless network. He is also a member of Composers and Authors Socity of Hong Kong (CASH) and has Erdos number 2.