Handover frequency in dynamic terrestrial network

Speaker : Sanjoy Kumar Jhawar
Date: 04/12/2024
Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location: Amphi 6


In this work we shall consider a dynamic wireless communication model on real line or plane. Let us assume that a user located at origin, which is served by mobile base stations. The initial locations of the base stations are given by a homogeneous Poisson point process. The base stations are given identical speed in uniformly chosen random direction. The user stays connected to the nearest base station at given point of time. Since the base stations are moving, the user disconnects and connects with different base stations over time, which ever base station is the closest. This gives rise to a handover phenomenon in the system and a point process on the time axis, called as the ”handover point process”. We shall determine the handover frequency in single-speed and multi-speed scenarios. It is also interesting to investigate the case when user has finite visibility. If time permits, we shall touch upon the case when the initial locations of the base stations are given by a Cox point process and their motion is along the underlying random environment.
This is an ongoing work with Prof. François Baccelli.