Beam management in 5G

Speaker : Sanket Kalamkar
Date: 27/05/2020
Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Beam management is central in the operation of dense 5G cellular networks. Focusing the energy radiated to mobile terminals (MTs) by increasing the number of beams per cell increases signal power and decreases interference, and has hence the potential to bring major improvements on area spectral efficiency (ASE). This benefit, however, comes with unavoidable overheads that increase with the number of beams and the MT speed. This paper proposes a first system-level stochastic geometry model encompassing major aspects of the beam management problem: frequencies, antennas, and propagation; physical layer, wireless links, and coding; network geometry, interference, and resource sharing; sensing, signaling, and mobility management. This model leads to a simple analytical expression for the effective ASE that the typical user gets in this context. This in turn allows one to find, for a wide variety of 5G network scenarios including millimeter wave (mmWave) and sub-6 GHz, the number of beams per cell that offers the best global trade-off between these benefits and costs. We finally provide numerical results that discuss the effects of different systemic trade-offs and performances of mmWave and sub-6 GHz 5G deployments.

The talk will also highlight the interplay between pure and standardization-oriented research and the lessons learned through the collaboration.

This is a collaborative work done at LINCS between Sanket Kalamkar and Francois Baccelli from Inria, and Fuad Abinader, Andrea Marcano and Luis Guilherme Uzeda Garcia from Nokia Bell Labs.