Scientific Committee

The LINCS Scientific Committee is composed of top-level international renown scientists, who are not affiliated with any of LINCS’s partner institutions. It assists the Executive Committee in the selection of new LINCS members and contributes to the laboratory’s scientific strategy.

Members of the Scientific Committee

Photo Name Institution Web
Marco Ajmone Marsan Marco Ajmone-Marsan Politecnico di Torino ?
Israel Cidon Israel Cidon Technion ?
Roch_Guerin Roch Guerin Washington University in Saint Louis ?
Holger Karl Holger Karl Universität Paderborn ?
P. R. Kumar P. R. Kumar Texas A&M University ?
Jim Kurose Jim Kurose University of Massachusetts ?
Leandros Tassiulas Leandros Tassiulas Yale University ?
Patrick Thiran Patrick Thiran EPFL ?

Former members of the Scientific Committee

Photo Name Institution Web
Peter Druschel Peter Druschel Max Planck Institute ?